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Ver4. in the Death o fChrij1.. deliverance, which could no otherwife be, but by theforgive- neß of fins ? For whatever elk bedone, yet if Godmark iniqui- tier there is none can Jtand. Hearken therefore poor ftnner, and have hope. God is confirlting about thy deliverance and free- dom. And what cannot the Wifdom and Grace of the Father and Son effe and accomplith ? And to this end was the Son fent into the world, which is the fecond thing pYopofed to Confederation. 2. Whom slid God fend about this Wine'? ? The Scripture layes great weight and Emphzfis on this confideration, faith mutt do fo alto : John 3. i 6. Godfo loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son : So i John 4._ 9. In this was mandated the love of God towards us, becaule that God Pent his only be- gotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. And again, v. 1o. Herein it love, not that we loved God, but that be loved us ; and fent his Son to be the propitiations of out fins. And who is this that is thus fent and called the only begotten Son of God ? Take a double defcription of him, one out of the Old Teji-ament, and another from the new. The tira from Ifa. 9. 6. To us a Child it born, to us a Son it given, and the Go- vernment(hall be upon his fhoulders, and his name (hall be called Wonderful, Counfellor, the mighty God, the everlaJting Father, the princeof Peace: The other fromHeb. i. 2, 3. God bath ffoken unto us by his Son, whom he bath appointed heir of all, by whom alfo he made the worlds, who being the brightnefs of his Glory, and the expreßImage of his Perfon, upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfelf purged our fns, fate down on the right hand of the Majefly onhigh. This is he who wits fat in Nature he was glorious ; even over all God bleffed for ever: In Anfwerablemß unto the Father ; the brightne fßof his Glory, and the expreß Image of his perfon : poífeffed of all the fame effential Properties with him. So that what we find in him, we may be allured of in the Father alfo ; for he that hath Peen him, hath Peen the Father, who is in him. In Power, Om- nipotent, for he made all things, and upholding all things with an unfpeakable facility, by the Word of his power. In Office, exalted over all, fitting at the right hand of the NI- jelly on high, InName, the Mighty God, the Everla(ting Father ; fo E e that 209