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2 IO Forgiveneß nanifcfiec Pfàl.i 3 0 that whatever he came about, he will ofuredly accomplifh and fulfill ; for what Ihould hinder or let this Mighty One from perfcaing his -de1gn ? Now this-conirdération raifeth our Evidence to that height, as to give usan unqucftionable Affurance in this matter. Here is .a nar and a particular Objet for faith to be exercifed about, and to raft in. Wherefore did this glorious Sun of God come and Tabernacle amongft poor fanners ? We beheld theglory of the Eternal Word, the glory of the only begottenof the Father, and he war made frfb, ;el ao- titis'c?.e, and pitched, hie Tabernacle aronef us, John r. 14. Towhat end ? It was no other but to work out, and accomp'ifh the Eternal Counfl of Peace towards finners before mentioned,to procure for them,and todeclareunto them the f rgiveneß of fin. Andwhat greater evidence, what great- er A+Jurance can we have, that there is forgivenffr with God for us ? he himfelf hath given it as á Rule, that what is done by giving an only begotten, or'an only beloved Son, gives afhüred Te- ltimony of reality and fìncerity in the thing that is confirmed by it. So he layes unto Abraham, Gen. 22. 12. Now I know that thou fearfft God, feeing that thou haft not withheld thy Son, thy only Son from me. This way it may be known, or no way. And they are bleffed Conclufions that faith may make from this confederation; now I know that there is forgivenfÌ with Gad, feeing he Each not withheld his Son, his only Son, that he might accompli(h it. To this purpofe the Apoftle teacheth us to reafon, Korn. 8. 32. He that Bared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, howThal he not with him alfo freely give to all things ? What further can any foul delire ? What ground remains for unbelief to (land upon in this matter ? Is there any thing more to be done herein ? It was tomanifeft that there is for- givenefl with him, and to make way for the exercife of it, that God fent his Son ; that the Son of Godcame into the world, . as will oferwards more fully appear. . 3. To thisfending of the Sort of God to this purpofe, there is evidence and fecurity added from the Manner wherein he was fent. How was this ? Not in Glory, not in Power, not in an open difcovery of his Eternal Power and Godhead. Had it