Ver.4. in the Death ofChrifr. a I r it been fo, we might have thought, that he had come meerly to manife(I and glorifie hitnièlf in the world. And this he might have done Without: thoughts of mercy or Pardon to- wards us. Bat he carne quit.'a in another mann_r : He was lien in the 11/v;ef1 of fìnful flefh , Korn 8 3. In the form of a L, Phil. 2. r o. Bwing made of a woman, made under the Lan,, Gal. 4. 4. What heendured, fuff::red, underwent in that ;tare and condition, is in form uìeafure known unto us all. All this, could not be -rneerty, and. j rJkl }.for, hi nfclf. All that he expeóted at the (loft. of it, was to . he glorified. with that glory which he had with the Father before the world was, john 17. 5. It ;null then be for our tl;cs ; and for what ? to fave and deliver us from that condition of wrath at prefent, and future expe- ¿tation ofVengeance, which we had call our Gives into by fin ; that is,' to procure for us the forgiveneJl of fin. Had not Cod defigned Pardon for fin, he would never have font his Son in this manner, to te(lifie it : And he did it, becaufe it could no other way be brought about, as hath been declared. Do we doubt whether there be forgiveneß with God or no? or whether we (hall obtain it, if we addrefs,our felves unto him for to be made partakers of it ? Confider the Condition of hit Son in the world; review his Affliéìions, Poverty, Temptati- on, Sorrows, Sufferings ; Then ask our fouls, To what end was all this ? And if we can find any other defign in it,. any other Reafon, Caufe, or Ntce(lìty of it, but only and meerly to teflitie and declare, that there is forgivenefr with God, and. to purchafe and procure the Communication of it unto let us abide in, and peri(h under our fears. But if this be fo, we have fuffrcient warranty to affure our fouls in the expeta-' Lion of it. 4. Betides all this, there enfues upon what went before, that great and wonderful; ¡flue, in the death of the Son of God. This tilingwas great and marvellous,. and we may a little enquire ?nco what it was, that was defigned therein. And hereof the Scripture gives us a full account. As, r. That, he dyed to make Attonement for Sin, or Reconciliation for Iniquity, Dan. 9. 24. He gave his life a ranfom for thefns of many, Matth. 2o. z8. r Tim. 2. 6. He was in it made fin, E e z,