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/ 12 Forgivenef. snarzifeied Pfa1. r 30. that others might become the righteoufneß of God in him, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Rom. 8.3. Therein he bare our fins in his body on the Tree, z P<:t. 2. 24. This was the five of this matter. Not - withfianding all the Love, Grace. and condefcention before mentioned, yet our fins were of that nature, and fo direó}ly opposite unto the Jul f i.°e and Holinefs ofGod, that unlefs At- toncmcnt were made, and a Price of Redemption paid, there could be no Pardon, no forgivenefß obtained. This therefore he undertook to do , and that by the Sacrifice of himfelf; an- fwering all that was prefigured by, and reprefented in the Sa- crifices ofold ; as the r1pof}le largely declarer, H .: b. r o. 5, 6, 7,8 9. And herein is the forgiveneßthat is in God, copied out and ex- emplified fo clearly and evidently, that he that cannot read it, will be curled unto Eternity. Yea, and let him be accuifed ; for what can be more required to juflifie God in his eternal dcfiruc ion ? He that will not believe his Grace as teflified and exemplified in the Blood of his Son, let him perifh without remedy. Yea but, 2.The Curfe andSentenceofthe Law lyes on record againfl (in- ners. It puts in its Demands again(i our acquittance, and layes an obligation upon us unto punifhment. And God will nor rej_E}, nor deflroy his Law; unlefs it be anfwered there is no acceptance for (inners. This therefore in the next place his death was deigned unto. As he fatisfied and made At- tonement by it unto Jaftice, ( that was the fountain, (j)ring and caufe oftheLaw) fo he fulfilled and anfwered the demands of the Law as it was an Effea of the Ju(fice of God : So Korn. 8. 13. He fuffered in the likenej7 of fnfulflefb, that the Righte- oufneß of the Lawmight be fufled, and anfwered. He anfwe- red the Curfe ofthe Lawwhen he was made a Curfe for us, Gal. 3 . r 3 And fo became as to the Obedience of the Law, the end of the Lawfor Righteoufneßunto them that do believe, Rom. l0. 3, 4. And as to the penalty that it threatned, he bore it, removed it, and took it out of the way. So hath he made way for forgiveneß through the very heart ofthe Law it hath not one word to fpeak againti the pardon of them that do believe. But, 3, Sinners are under the power of Satan ; he layes a claim unto