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' 7a.4. in the Death ofchrif . 213 unto them, and by what means (hall they be reícued from his intereft and dominion? This alfo his death wls dtlîgned to accomplifh, For as he was maniff} to def(roy the work/ of the Devil, i John 3.8. So by death he defiroyed him that had thepower ofdeath, Heb.2. i 4. That is, to defpoil him of his Powrr,to de- . (troy his Dominion, to tike away his plea unto fanners that be- . lieve ; as we have at large elfewhere declared. And by all thefe things, with many other concernments of his death that might be inflanced in, we are abundantly fe- cured of thefurgiveneßthat is with God : And of his willingnefs that we fhould be made partakers thereof. 5. Is this all ? Did his Work ceafe in his death ? Did he no . more for the fecuring of the fogivenef? of Vin: unte us , but only that he dyed for them ? Yes, he lives alto after death for the fame endand purpofe. This Son ofGod in that nature which he affirmed to expiate fin by death, live: again after death to fe- cure unto us, and to compleat the forgivenef! of fins. And this he doth two wayes. r. Being railed from that death which he underwent, to make Attonement for fin by the Power and Good Will of God, he evidenceth and teflifieth unto us,' that he hath fully performed the works he undertook ; and that in our behalf, and for us, he hath received a difcharge. Had he not anfwered the guilt of fin by his death , he had never been raifid from it. 2. He lives after death, a Mediatory Life to make intercefíìon for us, that we may receive the forgivenef? of fin, as allo him- fell to give it out unto `us : which things are frequently made ufe of, to encourage the fouls of men to believe, and therefore fhall not at prefent be further infift_d on. Thus then Rands this matter , that Mercy might have a way to exercifi it fell in forgivetteß, with a confií}ency unto the Ho- nour of the Righteoufnefs and Law of God, was the Son of God fo Cent for the ends and purpofes mentioned. Now herein confifteth thegreateff Work that God did ever perform, or ever will. It was the mofi eminent produ& of Infinite Wifdom, Goodnefs, Graceand Power. And herein do all the Exceaencie: ofGod thine forth more glorioufly than in all the E e 3 works