214 F'orgivenee manifjied Pfal.i30o works of his hands. Let us then wifely ponder and confider this matter; let us bring our own fouls with their Objes}i- oris unto this Evidence, and fee what exception we have to lay againft it. I know nothing will fatisfie unbelief : the d.fign of it is to make the foul find that to be fo hereafter, which it would perfwade it of here ; namely, that there is no forgive- nß/3 in God. And Saran,who makes ufe of this Engine, knows full well, that -there is none for them who believe there is none; or rather will not believe: that there is any. For it will at the lad day be unto met: according unto their faith or un- belief. He that believeth Brie ht, and he that believeth not,, that forgiveireß is with God, as to their own particulars fhall neither of them be deceived. But what is it that can be rea- fonably excepted againíl this evidence, this foundation of our .faith in this matter ? God bath not febt his Son in vain, which yet he mull have done, as we have (hewed, had he not de- signed to manifeul and exercife forgivenef towards (inners. Wherefore to confirm our faith from hence, let us make a little fearch into there things, in Tome particular enquiries. r. Seeing the Son ofGed deed in that way and manner that he did according to the determinate Counfel and Will of God, wherefore did he do fo, and what aimed he at therein ? Anfiv. It is plain that he dyed for ourfins, Rom. 4. 25. that is, to make recncthasian for the fins of his people, Heb.2.j7,i8. This Mfs and the Prophets, this thewhole Scripture tefifieth unto; and without a fuppofal of it, not one word of it can be aright believed. Nor can we yid& any due Obedience unto God without it. 2. What then did God do unto him ? What was in tranf- acîion between God as the Judge of all, and him that was the Mediator o f theChurch ? Anfiv. God indeed laid en hint the inigluitie.r.of us ali, Ifa. 53, 6. all the firs ofall the Elul ; yea, he made him a curféfr tts, Gal 3. 13. And making him a fin, offering, or an offering fir fin, be condemned fin in the flrfh, Rom. 8. 3 . 2 Cor. 5.21.- So that, all that which the Juice or LawofGod had ro re- quire about the punifhment due unto fin, was all laid and ex- ecutedon him. 3. What