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Ver.4. in theDeath ofChrifi. 3. What then did Chrift do in his death ? What did he aim at anddefìgn ? What was his intention in fubmitting unto, and undergoing the Will ofGod in thefe things ? Anfw: He bare our fins in his own body upon the 'Tree, 2. i4. He tookour fins upon him, undertook to anfwer for them, to ply our debts, to make an end of the difference about them b.tween God and tanners, Dan. 9. z4. His aim undoubtedly was by all that he underwent and fuffered, fo to snake At- tnement for fin, as that no more could on that account be ex- peded. . Flad God any more to require of (inners on the account of 'tin, that his Juflice might be fatisfied , his Halineß vindi- cated, his Glory exalted, his Honour be repaired, than what he charged onChrift ? Did he lay f,m<rvhat of the penalty due to fin onhim, execute fomepart of the curfe cf the Law againll him, and yet refcrve force wrath for fìnners themfelves? Anfr . No doubtlefs : He came to do the whole Wili of God, Heb. i o. 7, 8. And God pared him not any thing that in his holy will he had appointed to be done unto fin, Rom. 8.32. He would never have fo dealt withhis Son, to have madan half work of it ; nor is the work of making fatisfac` ion for fin fuch, as that any, the leaft part of it (hould ever be under- taken by another. Nothing is more injurious, or blafphemous againl God and Chrift, than the fooli(h imagination among the Papifts of works fatisfadory for the punifhment due to fin, or any part of it : As alto is their Purgatory pains to ex -: piste any remaining guilt after this life. Thiswork of making fatisfaïiion for fin is fuch, as nocreature in Heaven or Earth can put forth an hand unto. It was wholly committed to the Son of God, who alonewas able to undertake it, and who hath per_ fe6ly accomplifhed it. So that God now (ayes, fury is not in me, he that will lay hold on my flrength that he may have peace, he (hall have peace, Ifa. 21.4. 5. What then became of the Lord ChriJl in his undertaking? Did he go through with it ? or did he faint under it ? Did he only teftifie his Love, and (hew his good will for our deli- verance ? or did alto effe6tually purfue it, and not faint, *ntii he had made a way for the exercife of forgiveneß? Anfw, .' 4..s`.. 215