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216 Forgivenef viantfe,fied 1361.130, AnJty. It was not poflible that he /Mould be detainedby the pains of death, As 2.24: He knew before hand, that he ihould be carried through his work,, that he shouldnot be forfaken in it, nor faint under it, fa. 50. 6, 7, 8. And God hath given this unquefiionable evidence of his difcharge of the debt of fin to the utmoft, in that he was acquitted from the whole account, when he was raife<1 from the dead. For he that is given up to prifon .upon the f ntence of the Law for the debt of fin, (hall not be freed, untill he have paid the utmo(t farthing. This there- fore he manifeíled himfelf to have done, by his Refurreaionfrom the dead. 6. What then is now.become of him ? Where is he, and what doch he ? Hath he fo done his work and laid it afide, or doth hefíill continue tocarry it on until it be brought unto its perfc ion ? Anfw. It is true, be was dead, but be is alive, and Lives for ever ; and hath toldus, that becaufe be liveth we(hall live alto; And that , becaufe this is the end of his mediatory life in Heaven : he lives for ever to make Intercefon for xs, Heb. 7. 26, 27. And to this end, that the forgivenefs of fn which he hath procured for us, may be communicated unto us, that we might be made partakers of it, and live for ever. What ground is left of questioning the Truth in hand ? What linkof this Chain can unbelief break in, or upon ? If men refolve, notwithstanding all this Evidence and Affurance that is tendred unto them thereof, thàt they will not yet be- lieve that there is forgivenefl with God, or will not b: encou- raged to attempt the fécuring of it unto themfelves, or elfe defpife it as a thing not worth the lookirg after ; It is enough for them that declare it, that preach the( things, that they are a Tweet favour untoGod in them that peri¡h, as well as in them that are faved. And I blcfs God that I have had this Op- portunity to bear TeJtimony to the Grace of God in Chri(l, which if it be not received,itis becaufe the Godof this world hath blinded she eyes of men, that the light of the Gfelof the Glory of God (bould not fbine into their minds. But Chrift will be glorified in them that believe on there principlesand foundations. X I I I. Another .,.. !o , /,aq