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V'rî: . . Our Ublrgatà-on unto natstNal Forgrven,fdve. 7 X I I I. Another Evidence of the fame Truth may be taken Gir Ob1i- frotn hence, that God requiresforgivenrß in us i that we should .ZC1O° u'k' forgive of e another ; and therefore doubtless, there is forgive- to - f a1 foríve- nefi? with hint for us. The fenfcof this Confideration unto our nefs, proves pretènt purpofe will be manifefl in the enfuing Obferva- forgivenef tions. in God. F'Ert}, It is certain,that God hath.required this of us < The 7e- ftimonies hereofare many, and known, fo that they need not pazticularly to be repeated or intìfled on. See Luke 17. 3, 4. Ephef. 4..31. Matt-h. 18.24. unto the end. Only there are Lime things that put a fìngular Efnphafis upon this Command, manif-ffing the great importance of this duty in us, which may be marked. As, 1. That our Saviour requires us to carry a fenfe of our In- tegrity and Sincerity in the difcharge of this duty, along with us, in our Address unto God in prayer. Hence he teacheth and enjoyns us to pray, or plead for the förgivenefi of our debts to God, ( that is, our fins or trefpaffes againfl him, which make us debtors to his Law and Juflice, ) even as we forgive them thatfo tre#afs or offendagainft us,as to (land in need of our forgiveness, Math. 6. 12. Many are ready to devour such as are not fatisfìed, that the Words of that Kule of Prayer, which he bath prescribed unto us, are to be precifil read or repeated every day ; I with they would as heedfully mind that prescri- ption which is given us herein, for that frame ofheart and spirit which ought to be in all our supplications. It might poflibly abate of their wrath iLa that and other things. But here is a Rule for all prayer, as all acknowledge, as alío of the things that are requitite to make it acceptable. This in par- ticular is required, that before the fearcher of all hearts, and in our addreffes unto him, in our greaten concernments, we profef? our fincerity in the difcharge of this duty, and do put our obtaining of what we desire upon that iffue. This agreat Crown that is put upon the head of this duty, that which makes it very eminent, and evidenceth the great concernof the Glory of God, and our own fouls therein. FI 2. ove