4 2 i 8 Our Obligation unto mutual Forgivenef.s', Pfal.1 3c. 2. We mly eblcrve, that noother duty whatever is cxpreíly placed in the fame f rier, order, or rank, with it which makes it evident, that it is tingled out to be profeffed as a toktn and pkrlge of OUT fincerity in all other parts of our Obedience un. to God. It is by Chriit'tin-klt made the intrance, for the try- al of our finceri y in our Vniverfàl Obedience, which gives no [mall honour unto it. The Apoflle puts great weight on the Fifth Commandment, Honour thy Father and Mother, becaufe it is theftrff Commandment with promife, Ephef. 6. 2. All the Com- mandments indeed had a promife Do this and live; life was promifèd to the obfervance of them all : But this is the fir that had a peculiar promife annexed unto it, and accompa- nying of it. And it was fuch a Promife, as had a peculiar loon- dation through Gods Ordinance in the thing .it [elf. It is, that the Parents fhould prolong the lives of their Children that were obedient. T ' 2'1N1 Exod. 20. 11. Thy (hall prolong '/y dayes; that is, bypraying for their profperity, b?eing them in the name of God, and dirríling them in thole wayes ofObe- dience, whereby they might live and poffefs the Land. And this Promife is now tranflated from the Covenant of Canaan, into the Covenant of Grace. The bleffïng of Parents going far towards the interetiing their Children in the Promife thereof, and fo prolonging their dayes unto eternity, though their dayes in this world fhould be of little continuance. So it is laid of our Saviour, that he Amid fee his feed, and prolong his days, Ala. 53. io. Which huh carried over that Word, and that which is GLnified by it, u.uro sternal things. But this by the way. As the fingular Promife made to that Command, renders h fingular,fo Both this efpeciai injiancing in this duty in our prayer,render it alfo. For though as ali the Command- ments had aPromife, to we are tocarry a 2ljt snony with us of our fincerity in Vniverfal Obedience iuour addrer`fes unto God : yet the tingling out of this inisavice renders it exceeding re- markable ; and fhewes what a value God puts upon it, and how well h.: is pleated with it. 3. That Cod requires this forgivenefl in ¡os, upon the ac- count of the fvrgivenef1we receive from i,im; which, is to put. the greateflobligation upon Us.unto it, that we axe capable of : and