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Ver.4. proves Forgivenef? inGod. and togive the i rongcti and molt powerful motive poilible un- to its performance : See Ephef. 4. 3z. 4. That this duty is more dirct`.3tlyand expretly required in theNew Teflament than in the Old. Required then it was, but not fo openty, fo plainly; fo ccprc.fty as now. Hence we find a ditfèrent frame of Spirit between them under that difpenfati- on, and thofe under that of the New Tellarnent. There are found arnmngfl them fame fuch Rcfle%ions upon their enemies, theirOpprcf?ors, Perfecutors, and the like, as alrhougkt they were warranted by fome a6ings of the Spirit of God in them, yet being fuited unto the Dirpenfation they were under, do co way becomeus now, who by Jefus Chritk receivegrace for grace. So Zechariah when he-dyad, cryed,the Lord look on, and require ; but Stephen dying in the fame caufe and manner raid,. Lord lay not this fin to their charge. Elijah called for fire farm Heaven: But our Saviour reproves the leati inclination in his Dif iples, to imitate him therein. And the reafön of this dif- ference is, becaufe forgiveneß in God is under the New Ttfta- ment far more clearly, efp:cialiy in the nature and caufe of it difcovered in the Gofpel, which bath brought life and immortality to light, than it was under the Law. For all our Obedience both in matter and manner, is to be Cutted unto the difioverieJ and Revelation ofGod unto us. 5. This Forgivencßcf others, is made an expre(s Condition of our obt.airiing pardon and Forgivenefs from God. Mat.6. 14,1 5. And the nature hereof is expretly declared, Chap. I8s a... Such Evangelical Conditions we have not many. I confcf , they have no caufal influence into the accomplifhment of the Promife; but the non-performance of them, is a f ifftcient barr againli our pretending to the Promife, a Clfficient evidence that we have no pleadable intere;l in it.. Our forgiving of others will not procure forz;ivcnefs fQr our felves : But our not forgiving of others proves, that we our Wires are not forgiven. And all there things do Phew what weight God himfelf layes on this duty. Secondly, Obferve, that this Duty is fuch, as that there is no- thing more comely, ufcful, or honourable unto, or praif worthy in any, than a due performance of it To be morofe, irnpla- F f cable,