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2 20 Our Obligation Note mutual Forgivenef4, Pfalz. i 30, cable, inexorable, revengeful, is one of the greateft degene- racies of humane nature. And no men are commonly, even in this world, more branded with real infamy and d4fho- nour amongft Wife and Good men, than thofe who are of fuch a frame,and do aíßaccordingly. To remember Injuries, to re- tain a fence ofrWrongr, to watch for Opportunities of Revenge, tohate and be malitioufly pervert, is to reprefent the Image of the Devil unto the world in its proper colours ; He is the grelt 11Nemy and felf avenger : On the other fide' no Grace, r.o Vertue, no Duty, no Ornament of the mind, or Converfation allow, is in it fell fo lovely, fo comely, fo praife worthy , or fo ufeful unto mankind, as are Meeknefl, Readinel's to forgive and pardon. This is that principally which renders a man a good man, for whom one mould even dare to dye : And I am forty to add that this Grace or duty is recommended by its raritie. It is little found amongll the Children of men, The confi- deration of thedefect ofmen herein, as in thofeother funda- mental duties of the Gofpel, in felf- denyal, readinefs for the Crois, and forfaking the world, is an Evidence, if not how little fincerity there is in the World , Yet at leali it is, of how little growing, and thriving there is amongll Profef- fois. 3. That there is no Grace, Vertue, or Perfection in any man, but what is as an Emanation from the Divine Goodnefl and Bounty, fo expreffive of fome Divine Excellencies or perfe6ion ; fomewhat that is in God, in a way and manner Infinitely more Excellent. We were created in the Image of God. Whatever was good or comely in us, was a part ofthat Image : Efpeci- ally the Ornaments of our Minds, the perfe61 ions of our fouls. Thefe things had in them a refemblance of, and a correfpon- dency unto forme excellencies in God, whereunto by the way of Analogie they may be reduced. This being for the moil part loft by fin, a fhadow of it only remaining in the faculties ofour. fouls ; and that Dominion over the Creatures,which is permitted untomen in the patience of God. The recovery that we have by Grace, is nothing but an initial Renovation of the Image of God in us, Ephef. 4.22. It is the implanting upon our natures tholeGraces, whkbmay render us again like unto him. And nothing