2 22 Properties of Divine Forgivenef. Pfal. 130. Properties of Forgivencff The Greatnefs and Freedom of it. The Arguments and Demonfi<rations foregoing have, we hope, Properties undeniabl evinced the great Truth we have mulled on, which Ot n1V SnF. J great is the life and foul of all our Hope, Profèflion, Religion and Wenflip. The end of all this D,lcourfe is, to lay a firmfoun- dation for faith to rest upon, in its addreffes unto God for the forgiveneß of fins ; as alCo to give encouragements unto all forts of perlons fo to do. This End remains now to be ex- plained and prefftd ; which work yet before, we directly clone withal!, two things are further to be preluded. And the firs} is, to propofe Tome of thole Adjunlis of , and Gonfiderations about this forgivenefs, as may both encourage and necrßtate us to feel{ out after it, and to mix the Teflimonies given unto it, and the Promifs of it with faith unto our Benefit and Advan- tage. The other is to (hew, how needful! all this endeavour is, upon the account of that great Vnbelief which is in the moll in this matter. As to the firjít of theft then we may confider, Firti, That this forgivenefi that is with God, it filch as becomes him fuch as is tunable to his Greatnefs, Goodnels, and all other Excellencies of his Nature , fuch as that therein he will be known to be God. What he layes concerning fome of the works of his Providence, be jtill and know that I am God; may be much more laid concerning thisgreat Efû of his Grace : Still your fouls, and know that he is God.It is not like that narrow, difficult, halving and manacled f rgvvenfl that is found amongfi, men, when any loch thin, is found amongli them. But it is full, fee.e,boundl.efs,bottomlcfs,abfolute, fuch as becomes his Nature and Excellencies. It is in aword, forrizenefr that is with God, and by the exercife whereofhe will be known fo to be.And hence, i. God himfelf doth really ftparate and difiinguifh hH jor- giv Heft, from any thing that our thoughts and imaginations can reach unto, and that becaufe it is his, and like himfelf. It is an olj,e1 forfaith alone ; which can refs in that, which it cannot comprehend. It is never fJfr, than when it is as it were overwhelmed with infinitcnef . But fct weer rational thoughts, or the imaginations of our minds at work about fuch