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Ver.4. Properties ofDivine Forgivene 2 2 3 fueh things , and they tali uncouccivably thou of ttYern. They can neither conceive of them aright, nor ufe them unto their proper end and purpofe. Were not forgiven& in God fomewhat byond what men could imagine, no fleth could be faved. This himfelf expre(feth, Ifa. 55. 7, 8, 9. Let the n'ickfd Jorfake his wry, and the unrighteous man bti thoughts , and let him return into the Lord, and he will bave mercy upon him, and tö our God, and he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts , neither are your wayet my zvayes Pith the Lord; jr o as the Heavens are higher than the earth, fo are my wayes higher than your ways, and my thoughts thanyour thoughts. They are, as is plain- in the context; thoughts of forgivenefs, and roayes of Pardon whereof he (peaks. Thefe our Apprehenh- ens come (bort of we know little or nothing of the infrjise largenefs of his heart in this matter. He that he (peaks of, is ytvl an impioufly wicked man , and TAN drkz a mzn of deceit and perverte wickednefs. He whole defign and courte is nothing but a lye, fn, and iniquity. Such an one as we would have little or no hopes of; that we would fcarce thiñk it worth our while to deal withal about a hopelefs Converfion; or can (scarce find inour hearts topray for him, but are ready to give him up, as one profligate and defperate. But let him turn to the Lord and he fhall obtain forgivenefs. But how can this be ? Is it poflible there (hould be mercy for fuch an one ? Yes ! For the Lord R1`1171t will multiply to pardon. He bath forgivenefs with him to-outdo all the multiplied fins- of any that turn unto him, and leek for it. But this is very hard, very difficult for us to apprehend. This is not the way . and manner ofmen : We deal not thus with profligate Of- fenders againft us. True, faith God; Butyour wayes are not my ways. I do not a& in this matterlike unto you, nor as you . are accuflomed to do. How then (hall we apprehend it ; how (hall we conceive of it ? You can never do it by your Reafon or Imaginations ; For as the Heavens is above the Earth, fo are my thoughts in this matter aboveyour thoughts. This is an ex- prefiion to let out the largeft and molt unconceivable &fiance that maybe.The creation will afford no more fignificant expref- Gon or reprefentation of it. The Heavens arc inconceivably difiant