J Properties of Divine Forgivenef. Pfal.i30. difiant from the Earth , and inconceivably glorious above it. So are the Thoughts of God ; they are not only drlart from ours, but have a Glory in them allo that we cannot' rife up unto. For the moll part when we come to deal with God about forgivenefs, we hang in every bryar of difputing quar- elfom unbelief. This or that Circum]tance or Aggravation, this or that unparalleld particular,bereaves us ofour Confidence. Want of a dueConlideration of him with whom we have to do, meafuring him ty that line of our own imagination,, bring- ing himdown unto our Thoughts and our [Faye!, is the cauleof all our difquietments. Becaufe we find it hard to forgive our pence, we think he cannot forgive `lalent!. But he bath pro- vided to obviate fuch thoughts in us, Hof. i t. 9. 1 will not exfcute the fiercenefs ofmy wrath,' will not return to deftroyEphra- im, for -1 AM GOD AND NOT MAN. Our fatisfacîi- on in this matter, is to be taken from his Nature ; were he a man, or as the Sons of men, it were impoflible that upon fuch and fo.many provocations , he thould turn away from the fiercenefs of his Anger. But he is God. This gives an Inftnitenef, and an inconceivable boundlefizefr to the fòrgivenefs that is with him ; and exalts it above all our thoughts and stayer.- This is to be lamented ; Pre(umption which turns God into an Idol, afcribes unto that Idol, a greater largenef in forgivenefs, than faith is able to rife up unto, when it deals with him as a God of infinite Excellencies and Perfe&ion,. The reafons of it I confefs are obvious. But this is certain, no prefumption can falíly imagine thatforgivent j to it felffrom the Idol of its heart, asfaith may in the way of God, find in him, andobtain from him. For, Secondly,God engager h his infinite Excellencies to demonfirate the Greatnefs and Boundlefne(r of his forgivenefs. He propofeth them unto our Conliderations to convince us, that we (hall find pardon withhim fuitable and anfwerable Unto them See Ifa. 40. 27,28,29,30,3 I. Why fayeft thou 0 Jacob, and.fjieake/l0 Ifrael, my way is hidfrom the Lord, and my judgement is paid over frommy God ? Haft thou not known,ha t thou not heard, that the Everlaf1ing God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the Earth, faintetb not, neither is weary , there is no arching' of his under(tanding ; He fa, 4.41 et, J givetb