Properties ofDivine Forgivenef . Pfal.130, to be obtained from him, or doth not believe it, that fo it is, or is fo to be obtained, for which he bath the voice and fèn- tence of the Law to countenance him ; tan thofe who being, convinced of the principles and grounds of it before menti- oned, and of the Truth of the Tellimony given unto it, do yet by iireigthning and narrowing of it , render it unworthy of him, whore Excellencies are all infinite, and whore wayes on that account are incompxehenfible. If then we refolve to treat withGod about this matter , which is the butnefs now in hand , let us do it, as it becomes his Grearnefr, that is , indeed, as the wants of our pub. do require. Let us not entangle our ownSpirits by limiting his Grace. The Father of the Child pofeffed with a Devil being in a great tIgony when he came to our Saviour, ayes out, If thou cant} do any thing, have compaf- lion on Of, and help us, Mark g. a2. He would fain be deliver, ed, but the matter was fo grè'at, that he queftioned whether the Lord Chrift had either Compaffion or Power enough for his relief. And what did he obtain hereby ? nothing but the retarding of the Cure of his Child for a feafon. For our Sa- viour holds him offuntill he had inftrufed him in this matter faith he, v. 23. If thou croft believe, all things are pofble iento him that believeth. Mittake not, if thy Child be not cured, it is not for want of power orpity in me, but offaith in thee. My power is fuch as renders all things plible, fo that they be be- lieved. So it is with many, who would defiroufly b- made partakers of forgivenefr. If it be poffible they would be par- doned, but they donot fee it poffible. Why where is the de- fed ? God bath no pardon for them, or fuch as they are, and fo it may be they come finally fhort of pardon. what, be- cauCe'God cannot pardon them, it is not poffible with him ? Not at all ! but becaufe they cannot, they will not believe, that the forgivenefs that is with him is, fuch, as that it would anfwer all the wants of their fouls, becaufe it anfwets the infinite large- nefi of his heart. And if this doth not wholly deprive them of Pardon, yet it greatly retards their Peace and Comfort. God doth not take it well to be limited by us in any thing, leaf{ of all in his Grace. This he calls a Tempting- ofhim, apro- vokingTemptation, Pfal,78. 41. hey turned back and tempted God,