Ver.4. Properties ofDivine ForgivenefS'. God , they limited the Holy One of Xfrae1. This he could not bear with. If there be any pardon with God, it is Each as be- comes, him to give. Whenhe pardons, he will abundantly par- don. Go with your halfforgivenefs limited, conditional Par- dons with refrves and limitations unto the Sons of men ; it may be, it may become them, it is like themfelves, That of God is abfohite andperfett, before which our tins are as a Cloud before the Eaft Wind, and the riling, Sun. Hence he is laid to do this work, with his whole heart, and his whole f ul ; Actpi , freely, bountifully, largely to indulge and forgive unto us our tins. And to c41 them into the bottom of the Sea, Mic. 7. 19. into a bottomlefs Ocean, an Emblem of infinite mercy. Remember this, poor fouls, when you are to deal with God in this matter, all things are poflible unto them that do believe. Secondly, This forgivemß is in or with God , not only fo, as that we may apply our felves motto it, if we will, for which he will not be offended with us, but fo alfo, as that he bathplacod . his great Glory in the Declaration and communication of it; nor can we honour him more than by coming to hits to be made partakers of it, and fo to receive it from him. For the molt part, we are as it were ready rather to (teal forgiveneí from God, than toreceive from him as one that gives it freely and largely. We take it up, and lay it down, as though we would be glad to have: it, fo God did not, as it were, fee us take it ; for we are afraid he is not willing we thould have it indeed. We would (teal this fire from Heaven, and have a íhare. in Gods 7reafures and Riches almoit without his confent. At leaf we think that we have it from him ire, with much difficulty, that it is rarely given avid fcarcely obtained. That he gives it out, xcvt' a"sitorylt eu'pe..i, with a kind of unwilling wiGing- neß; as we fometimes give Alms without Chcarfulnefs. And that he lofethfo much by ur,as he givethout in Pardon. We are apt to think that we are very willing to have forgivenefs, but that God is unwilling to bellow it, and that becaufe he teems to be a lofv_'r by it, and to forego the glory of infliaing punifh- m ent for our fins, which of all things we fuppofe he is molt loch to part withal.- And this is the very nature of unbelief G z But 227