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2 28 Properties of Divine Forgivenef''. Pfal.i 30 but indeed things arc, quite othcrwifc. He hath in this mat- ter through the Lord Chrifi ordered all things in his dealings with finners to the praife of the glory of his Grace, Eph. I.6. His deign in the, whole myfterie of the Gofpel, is to make his Grace glorious, or to exalt pardoning mercy. The great fruit and produa of his Grace is forgivenrff. The forgtvenefs of (inners. This God will render himfelf Glorious in and by. All the Praife, Glory and Worfhip, that he dcfigns from any in this world, is to redound unto him by the way of this Grace, as we have proved at large before. For this caufe fared he the world, when tin firti entred into it : for this caufe did heprovide a NewCovenant, when the old was become un- profitable. For this caufe did he fend hi! Son into the world. This hath he teftified by all the Evidences mulled on. Would' he have loft the praife ofhis Grace, nothing hereof would have beendone or brought about. We can then no way fo emi- nently bring or afcribe glory unto God, as by our receiving for= givencß from him, he being willing thereunto upon the ac. count of its tendency unto his own Glory, in that way, which he hath peculiarly fixed on for its manifefiation. Hence the Apofile exhorts us to come boldly to the Throne ofGrace, Heb. 4. i6. That is, with the Confidence of faith, as be expounds. boldneß, Chap. ro. 19, 2o: We come about a bufinefs where- withhe is well pleafed ; fuch as he delights in the doing of, as he expreffeth himfelf, zeph. 3. 17. The Lordthy God in the mid(f of thee, is mighty; he will fove, he will rejoyce over thee with joy. He will reff in his hove , be will joyover tbee with frnginga, This is the way ofGods Pardoning; hedoth it in a rejoycing triumphant manner, fatisfying abundantly his own holy foul therein, and refling in his love. We have then abundant en- couragement to draw nigh. to the Throne of Grace, to be made partakers of what God is fo willing to give out unto us. And to this end ferves alfo the Dab ofGod before int-died on, namely, to root out all the fècret referves of unbelief, concerning Gods VnwiLingneß to give Mercy Grace and Pardon un- to finners. See Heb. 6. 17, 18. where it is expreffed. There- fore the tendency of our former Argument:, is not meetly to. prove that there is forgivenefs withGod, which we may believe and