tolEMINV Ver.4. Properties ofDivine Forgivenefs: and not be mistaken ; but which we ought to believe. It is our duty CO todo. We think it our duty to pray, to hear the Word, to give almi, to love thr Brethren, and to abitain from fin ; and ifwe fail in any 40 theft, we find the guilt of them reflected upon our Confèiènce unto our difquietment. But we fcarce think it our duty t9 believe the forgivenefs of our fins. It is well it may be, we think,with them that can do it, but we think it not their fault who do note Such perlons may be pitied, but as we suppose not juilly blamed, no not by God himfelf. Whole Conscience almott is burdened with this as a fin, that he doth not as he ought, believe the forgiveneßef hie fins ? And this is rneerly becaufe men judge it not their duo fo to do. For a non-performance of a duty apprehended to be fuch, will reflet on the Confcience a fenfe of the guilt of fin. But now what can be required to make any thing a duty unto us, that is wanting in this matter ? For, I. There forgiveneß with God, and this manifcfled, re- vealed, declared. This manifeflation of it ig that which makes it the Objets of our faith. We believe things tobe in God, and with him, not rneerly and formally becaufe they are f, but becaufe he bath manifejied and revealed them fo to be, r John i. 2. What he fo declares, it is our duty to believe, or we fruítrate theend of his Revelation. 2. We are exprefly commanded tobelieve, and that upon the highet Promifes, and under thegreatefi penalties. This Com- mand is that which makes believing formally a duty. Faith is a Grace as it is freely wrought in us by the Holy Gho[t, the root of all Obedience and duties, as it is radically fixed in the heart. But as it is commanded it is a dray ; and there Commands, youknow, are several wayescxprefed , by Invitations, Exhor- tations, Propofitions, which all have in them the nature of Commands, which take up a great part of the Books of the NewTeltament. 3. It is aduty, as we have Chewed, of thegreaseft concernment unto the Glory of God. q.. Ofthegreateft importance unto our fouls, here and hereaf- ter. And these things wereneceffary to beadded, to bottom our enfuïngExhortations upon. G g 3 Evidences 229