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233 Forgivenefi' believed by few. Pfal. i 30. Forgive- nefs be- lieved by Few. Evidences that me men do not believe Forgivenep. That which thould now enfue,s the peculiar improvement of this Truth all along aimed at ; namely, to give Exhortati- ons, and encouragements unto believing. But I can take few tieps in this work, wherein methinks I do hear fome fay- mg, Surely all this is needlefs; Who is there that loth not be- lieve all that yougo about to prove ? And fo thefe pains are [pent to little or no purpofi. I (hall therefore before I perfwade any unto it, endeavour to thew that they do it not already. Many I lay, the molt tfmen who live under the difpenfation of the Gofpel, do wofully deceive their own fouls in this matter. They do riot believe what they profeß themfeives to believe and what they think they believe. Men talk offundamental Errors; this is to me the moff fundamental error that any can fall into , and the moil pernicious. It is made up of thefe two parts. ( r.) They do not indeed believeforgivenefs. (i.) They fuppofi they do believe it, which keeps them from feeking after their only remedy. Both thefe rniflakes arc in the foundation, and do ruine the fouls of them that live and die in them. I (hail then by a brief enquiry put thinmatter to a try,al. By fome plain Rules and Principles may this important Qruef.{ion, whether we do indeed believe forgiveneßor no, be anfwercd and decided. But to the Refolution intended, I than prernife two Obftr vations. a. Men in this cafe, are very apt to deceive them[Ives. Self- love, vain Hopes, likingofLuft, common falfe Principles,tloth, unwillingnefs unto felç-examination , Reputation with the World, and it may be in the Church, all vigoroufly concurr untomens flf-deceivings in this matter. It is no eafie thing for a foul to break through all thefe , and all felf-reafonings that rife from them, to comeunto a clear judgement of its own wing in dealing with God about forgivenefs. Men alto find aCommon Prefumption ofthis Truth, and its being an eafie relief againft pipings of Confcience , and diftnrbing thoughts about fin ; which they daily meet withal. Aiming there- fore only at the removal of trouble, and finding their prefent Imagination