Forgivenef believedbyfen. Pral. t ó their Ignorance, Darknefl, Blindnefi, their Corrupt Ajaions, and Worldly Converfations , their Earthly-mindedneß and open difa_ vowing ofthe Spirit,Wayes and Yoke of Cbrift, fpeak no fuch lan- guage. Sall we think that proud, heady, worldly, flffeekers, haters of the people of God, and his wayes, defpifers of the Spirit of Grace, and his work, Sacrificers to their own lu(Is, and fuch like, do believe the Covenant of Grace, or Rerniffìon of fins ? God forbid we fliould entertain any one thought of fo great di(honour to the Gofpel. Where ever that is receiv- ed or believed , it produceth other areas, lit. 2. II, 12. Ifa. II. 6, 7, 8, 9. It teacheth men to deny all ungodlinef and worldly lufts. It changeth their hearts, natures and wayes; It is not fuch a barren, impotent and fruitlefs thing, as fuch an Apprehenfion would reprefent it. 2. They that really believe forgivenefl in God do thereby obtain forgivenefs. Believinggives an intereft in it ; it brings it home to the foul concerned. This is the inviolable Law of theGofpel. Believing and forgivencßare infeparably conjoyned. Among the Evidences that we may have of any one being in- terefled in forgivenefs, I (hall only name one, They prize and value it above all the world. Let us enquire what Efteem and valuition many of thole have of forgivenefs, whoput it out of all qudlion that they do believe it. Do they look upon it as their Treafitre, their jewel, their Pearl of price? Are theyfoli- citous about it ? Do they often look and examine whether it continues fate in their porfeffion or no ? Suppofe a man have a pretious Jewel laid up in Come place in his houle; Suppofe it- be unto him as the poor Widdgws two mites, all her fub(iance or living; will he not carefully ponder on it ? Will he not frequently fatisfie himfclf that it is fafe ? We mayknow that fuch an houfe, fuch fields or lands do not belong unto a man when he paffeth by them daily, and taketh little or no no- tice of them. Now how do moll men look upon forgivenefs'? What is their common deportment in reference unto it ? Are their hearts continually filled with thoughts about it? Are they. f licitous concerning their interefl in it ? Do they reckon, that whilft that is fafe, all is fafe with them ? When it is, as it were, laid ,out of she way by fin and unbelief, do they give themfelves