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4 Ver. Forgivenef believed byfew. 2 3 $ nor was there any way whereby it might be revealed, but by the Son of God. And that is done in the Word of the Gofpel. If then you fayyou know it; Let us enquire how you cime fè to do ? And by what means it bath been declared unto you ? Hach this been donc by a Wordof Truth ? by the Promife of the Gofpel ? Was it bypreaching of the Word unto you, or by reading of it, or mcditwirg upon it ? Or did you receive it from and by Nile f apnshle word, of or from the Scriptures ípoketi untoyou ? Or hath it infentìbly gotten ground upon your hearts and minds, Capon the (frivings and cou ti is ofyour fouls about tin, from the truth wherein you had been initru- ¿ ed in General ? Or by what other wayes or means have you come to that acquaintance withit, whereof you boaft ? You can tell howyou cameby your wealth, your Gold, and Silver ; you know how you became learned, of obtained the know- ledge of the mylterie ofyour trade, who taught you in it, and how you came by it. There is not any thing wherein you are concerned, but you can anfwer there Enquiries in reference unto it. Think it then no great matter, if you are put to an- fwer this Queftion alto; by what way or means came you to the knowledge of forgivenefs which you boafi of; Was it by any of thofe before mentioned, or forne other ? if you cannot anfwer diítinCly to thetè things, only you fay, you have beard it, and believed it ever fince you can remember, fo thofe faid that went before you, fo they fay with whom you do converfe; you never met with any one that eflled it into queftion, nor heard of any, unlefs it were one or two defpairing wretches ; it will be ¡Ally quetlioned, whether you have any portion in this mat- ter or no. If uncertain rumours, reports, general notions, lye at the bottom of your perfwation, do not fuppofe that you have any Communion withChrifi therein. 5. Of them whoprofefs to believe forgivenef, how few are there who indeed know what it is. They believe they fay, but as the Samaritans Worfhipped, they knownot what. With fame, a bold prefumption, and crying peace peace, goes for the belief of forgiveneß. A General iipprebenfion of impunity from God , and that H h z though