236 Forgiveneß believedbyfew. : Pfal. r 3c.. though they are (inners, yet they (hall not be punifhed, päf feth with others at the tame rate. Some think they Ihall prevail with God by their prajeri and dcfires to let them alone, and not cati them into Hell. 0.1e way or other to efcape the Vengear.ce ofHell, not to be pu_ nifhed in another world, is that which men fix the r minds upon. But is this that forgivencfr which is revealed in the Gofpe] ? that which we have been treating about ?- The Rife and Spring of our forgiven_fl is in the heart andOraciout Nature ofGod, de- clared by his Nine , Have you enquired ferioufly into this ? Have you flood at the thore of that infinite Ocean ofGoodnefl and Love ? Have your fouls fbund fupportment and relief from that Confideration ? Arid have your heartf leaped within you with the thoughts df it ? Or if you have never been aft cd inan efpecial manner herewithal, have you bowed down your fouls under the Contiderations of that Soveraign da of the Will ofGod, that is the next fpring of forgivenef; that glori- ous ailing of free Grace, that when all might juttly have perifhed, all having finned and come fbort of hit Glory, God would yet have mercy on fine ? Have you given up your Pelves to this Grace ? Is this any thing of that you do believe ? Sup- pofe you are Grangers to this alto: What communion with God have you had about it in the blood of Chi-0 ? We have fhewed how forgivenefs relates thereunto; how way is made thereby for the exercifeof merf, in. a conti(iency with the Glory and Honour of the Juttice of God, and of his Law ; how Pardon is procured and purchafed thereby; with the my- flerious Reconciliation of Love and Law; and the new difpo- fal of Ccnfcienee in its work and duty- by it. What have you to fay to thefe things ? Have you feen pirdon flowing from the heart of the Father through the blood of the Son ? Have you l-ookcd upon it as the price of hit life, and the purchafe ofhis blood ? Or have you general thoughts that Chriff dyed for finners ? and thaton one account or other forgivenefs. relates unto him, but are Grangers to the my(erie of this great work. Suppofe this alfo ; Let us go a little further and enquire whether.