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Ver.4. Forgiveneß believed by few. 3 7 whether you know any thing that yet remains of the like im- portance in this matter ? Forgiven(' as we have fhewed, is ma- nifefted, tendred, exhibited in the Covenant ofGrace and Pro- mifes of the Gofpel. TheRule of the Efficacy of thefe is, that they be mixedwith faith, Heb. 4. 2. It is well if you are grown up hereunto; but you that are ({rangers to the things before mentioned, are no 'ifs to this alto. Upon the matter you know not then what forgivenefs is, nor wherein it confifis; nor whence it comes, nor how it is procured, nor by what rneansgivcn oit unto (inners. It is to no purpofe for fuch perfons to pretend that they believe that wheretìnto either notionally, or pra tically, or both, they are fuch utter Urangers. 6. Another Enquiry into this matter regards the State and Condition wherein fouls muff be, before it be poffible for them to believe forgivenefs. If there be (tech an Eliate and it can be evinced that very many of the Pretenders concerning whom we deal, were never brought into it, it is then evident that they neither do nor can believe forgivenefs, however they do and may delude their own fouls. it hath been (hewed that the firU difcovery that was made of pardoning Grace was unto Adam, prefently after the fall. What was.thenhis State and Condition ? How was he pre= pared for the reception of this great myfterie in its frtt dif- covery ? that feems to be a confiderable Rule ofprocèding in the fame matter. That which is fire in any kind, is a Rule to all that follows. Now what was Adams condition when theRevelation of forgivenefs was 6rti made to him ? it is known from the Story ; convinced of tin, afraid of punifh- ment, he lay, trembling at the foot of God. Then was for- givenefs revealed unto him ; So the Pfalmiff Rates it, Pfaim z 30. v. 3. If thou Lord fhouldf mark iniquity, O Lordwho /hall f and ? Full of thoughts he is of the defert of tin, and of in- evitable and eternal ruine, in cafe God (hould deal with him. according to the Exigence of the Law. In that (late is the great fupport of Fergivenef with God, fuggefted untohim by the Holy Ghoft. We knowwhat work our Saviour had with the Pbarifees on this account. Are we, fay they, blindalfo? No,. faith he, you fay. r you fee, therefore your fin remained?, H h 3 lohn