2 3 8 Forgivenefbelievedbyfew. Pfal. r 3 o, John 9. 4o, 4 t. It is to no purpofe to talk of forgivenefs to Each perfons as you are, you mutt of neccllity abide in your tins. I came not to call inch righteous perfons as you are, but frnner to Kepentance; who not only are jò, as you are alfo, and that to the purpofe, but are fenfible of their being Io, and of their undone condition thereby. the whole have no need ofthe ,P&uitian, but the ficl(. Whiltt you are feeming Kighteous and whole, it is to no En-i to tell you of forgiveneß, you cannot underhand it, nor receive it. It is impoflible then that any one (Mould in a due manner believe forgiveneß in God, unlcfs a due manner he be convinced of fin in hirnrelf. If the fatow ground be not broken up, it is tono purpofe to low the feed of the Gospel. There is neither Life, Power, nor fweetnets in this Truth, unless a door be opened for its Entrance by Convidion of tin. Let us then on this ground alto, continue our Enquiryup- on the ordinary boafters of their skill in this mylcrie. You believe there is forgivenefs with God ; Tes, but have ou been convinced of fin ? Yes ; you know that you are finners well enough. Anfwer then but once more as to the nature of this convition of fin, which you fay you have ; Is it not made up of thefe two ingredients. ( r. ) A general notion that you are firmer., as all men alto are. ( 2. ) Particular traublefme refle- Fdions upon yourfives, when on any eruption of fin, Contei- ence accules, rebukes, condemns ? You will fay, yes, what would you require more. This is not the CouviWon we are en- quiring after; That is a work of the Spirit by the Word; this you fpeali of, a meer Natural work, which you can no more be without than you can cease tobe men. This will give no Aflifhance unto the receivingof forgivenefs. But it may be, you will fay, you have proceededfarther thanfo ; andtheft things have had an improvement in you. Let us then a little trywhe- ther your proceß have been according to the mind of God. And fo whether this invincible barr in your way be .removed or no. For although every convinced person do not believe forgivenefs yet no one who is not convinced doth fo. Have you then been made finfible of your condition by Nature ; what is is to be alienated from the life ofGod, and to be obnoxious to his