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24.0 Fof"givenefS believed by few. Pfal.13o, ly in this prefent world. And that is the Grace whereof we fpeak. No man can then believe forgivenell offin, without a deteflation and relinquithment of it. The ground of this might be farther manifelied, and the way of the Efficacy of faith of forgiveneft unto a forfaking of fin, if need were. But all that own the Gofpel muti acknowledge this principle. The real belief of the Pardon of fin, is prevalent with men n t to live longer in fin. But now what are the greateff number of thole who pretend to receive this Truth ? Are their hearts purified by it ? Are their confeiences purged ? Are their lives changed ? Do they deny all ungodlinefs and worldly lulls ? Doth forgtvenefs teach them fo to do ? Have they found it effectual to there purpofes ? Whence is it then that there is fuck a bleating and bellowing to the contrary amongfl them ? Someof you are Drunkards, ¡bah: of you Swearers, fume of you unclean perfins, fome ofyou lyars, foene of you world- , fome of you haters of all the wayes of Chrifi; and all his concernments upon the Earth ; proud, covetous, boathers, felf-- feekers , envious , wrathful, backbiters, malicious praters, ¡Tandems, and the like. And (hall we think that fuch as thefe believe forgivenefß of fan ? God forbid. Again, Some of you are dark, ignorant, blind, utterly unacquainted. with the myflerie of the Gofpd, nor do at all make it yourobufnels to enquire into it. Either you.hear it not at all, or negligently, flothfully, cuftomarily, to no purpofe. Let not fach perlons cleceive their own fouls : to live in tin and yet to believe the forgivenefs of fin, is utterly irrpotiible. Chrift will not be a Miniithr of fin, nor give his Gofpel to be a DoEfrine of liczn- tiorfzefÌ for your fakes. Nor ¡hall you be forgiven that you may be delivered to do more Abominations. . God forbid. If any (hall fay, that they thank God, they are no fuch Pub- licans as thole mentioned; they are no derun!zrds, no [wearers, no uncleanperfns, nor the like, fo that they are not concerned in this confìderation. Their lives and their duties give ano- ther .account of them : then yet confide: further, That thePharifies were all that you lay of your fclves; and yet thegreateff deffiifers offorgivenefsthat ever were in the world, and