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Ver.4. Forgiveneff believed by few. and that becaufe they hated the light, on this account, that their deeds were evil. And for your duties you mention, what I pray is the root and fpring of them ? are they influenced from this Faith of forgiven(fs you boaff of or no > May it. not be fear- ed that it is utterly otherwife ? you do not perform them becaufe you love the G,fpel, but becaufe you fear the Lzw. If the truth were known, I doubt it would appear, that yod get nothing by your believing of pardon, but an encourage- ment unto fin. Your Goodnrß fuch as it is, fp: ings from ano- ther root. It may be alto that you ward your Elves by it againft the Jfrol es of Conffence, or the guilt of particular fins, this is as bad as the other. It is as good be encouraged unto fin, to commit it, as be encouraged under fin, fo as to be kept from humiliation for it. Noneunder Heaven are more remote from thebeliefof Grace and Pardon, than fuch perfons are: All their Kighteoufnrß is from the Lam, and their Sin in a great meafure horn theGojpri. 8. They that believe forgivenrfl in a due manner, believe it for the Ends and Purpofes for which it is revealed of God. This will further improve and carry on the former confidera- tion. If GM reveals any thing for one end and purpofe, and men ufe it quite unto another; they do not receive the Word ofGod, nor believe the thing revealed, but Beal the Word and delude their own fouls. Let us then weigh to what Ends and purpofes this forgive- nefI was fit ft revealed by God ; for which alto its manifefìa- tion is (till continued in the Gofpel. We have (hewed before who it was to whom this Revelation was firfl made, and what condition he was in when it was fo made unto him. A lo(I, wretched Creature, without hope or help-he was ; how he fhould come to obtain Acceptance with God, he knew nor. God reveals'forgivenefs unto him by Chrift to be NI ail. The intention of God in it was, that a Sinners Ail fhould be of Grace, Korn. r t.,6. Ifany thing be added unto it for the fame End and purpofe, then Grace is no more Grace, Again, God intended it as a new foundation of OSedience, of Love and Thankfulnel . That men fhould Love becaufe Forgiven, and be .Hod becaufe Pardoned, as I have ¡hewed before, that it I i might