2 42 Exhortations tinto Believing. Pfal. 13o, might be the Righteoufneß of a Sinner, and a fpring of new obedience in him, all to the praife of Grace, were Gods Ends in its Revelation. Our Enquiry then is, whether men do receive thisRevelation as unto theft Ends, and ufe it for thefe purpofes, and thefe only. I might evince the contrary, by paffìrg through the General ahujes of the Do .trine of Grace, which are mention. cd in the Scripture, and common in the world ; but it will not be needful'. Inftead of Believing, the mot' of men feem to put a fiudyed deJpight on the Gofpel. They either proclaim it to be an unholy and polluted way, by turning its Grace into Lafcivioufnefs, or a weak and infufcient way, by firiving to twin it in with their own Righteoufnefs, both which are an Abomination unto the Lord. From thefe and fuch other Confiderations of the like im- Fortance as might be added, it is evident that our Word is not in vain ; nor the Exhortation which is to be built upon it. It appears, that notwïthftanding the great noyfe and pre- tences to this purpofe that are in the World, they are but few who ferioufly receive this fundamental truth of the Go- fpel Namely, that there it fergiveneJwith God. Poor Creatures JJigrt themfelves with their own deceiving!, and perifh by their own delufìons. Exhortation unto the Belief of the Forgivenef that is with God. Kearnsfor it, and the Neceffiiy of it. Exiortati- We (ball now proceed unto the direct ufes of this great ons unto Truth. For having laid our foundation in the Word that will Believing. not fail, and having given as we hope, fufficient Evidenceun- to the truth of it, our lati work is to make that improvement of it unto the Good of the Souls of men , which all along was aimed at. The perfons concerned in this Truth are all Sinners whatever. No fort of finners are unconcerned in it, none are excluded from it. And we may call them all under Two heads. Firt, Such as never yet ftncerely clofed with the promife of Grace Nor hive ever yet received forgivenefi from God, in