a._---- Ver.q.. Exhortations unto Believing. 2 43 in a way of believing. Thefe we have already endeavoured to undeceive ; and todifcover those falfe prefumptions whereby they are apt to ruine and deliroy their own fouls. Thefe we would guide now into fare and pleafant patiot, wherein they may find alfur.d F..cit and Peace. Secondly, Others there are, who have received it, but being again entangled by fin, or clouded by darknefs and temptations, or weakned by unbelief, know not how to improve it to their Peace and Comfort. This is the condition of the Pe/ re- prefented in this Piim : And which we íhill therefore ap- ply our felves unto in an efpccial manner , in its proper place. Oar Exhortation then is unto both; to the firft, that they would receive it, that they may have life, to the latter, that they would improve it, that they may have peace. To theformer that theywould not overlook, difregard, or neglect f great fàlvati- on as is tendred unto them ; to the latter, that they wouldffir up the Grace of God that is in them, to mix with the Grace of God that is declared unto them. I (hall begin with the firff fort, thole who are yet utter (trangers from the Covenant of Grace ; who never yet upon laving grounds believed this forgivenef? ; who never yet once tailed of Gofjlei Pardon. Poor fsnnert ! this word is unto you. Be it, that you have heard or read the fame word before, or others like unto it, to the fame purpole ; It may be often, it may be an hundred times. It is your concernment to hear it again. God would have it fo ; The Teftimoty ofJefus Chrift is thus to be accomplilhed. This Counfel of God we muff declare that we maybe free from the blond of all men, Achr 20.26,27, And that not once or twice, but in preaching the Word, we mutt be inftant in feafon, out offiatn, reproving, rebuking, exhorting, with all longfurring anddolirine, 2Tim. 4.2. And for you, wo untoyou, when God leaves thus ffieaking untoyou ; when he refufeth to Exhort you any more, wo untoyou. This is Gods departure from any person or people, when he will deal with them no more about forgiveneji; and faith he, TWo unto them when1 depart frem them, Hof. 9. 12. 0 that Gal therefote I i 2 would