244 Exhortations unto Believing. Pfal: i 3o. would give unto fuck perjuns, [eeing Eyes, andhearing Ears, that the word of Grace may never more be fpoken unto them in vain. Now in ourExhortation to fuch perlons, we (hall pro. ceedgradua/ly, according as the matter will bear, and thena- ture of it loth require. Confider therefore, I. That notwithfanding allyour fns, all the evil that your own hearts know you to be guilty of, and that hidden Map or evil treafure offin which is in you, which you are not able to look into ; notwithftanding that charge that lyes upon you from your own Confciences, and that dreadful fentence and curie of the Lan which you are obnoxious unto; notwith (landing all the puft grounds that you have to apprehend that God isyour Enemy, and will be fo unto eternity ; yet there ai a Terms of Peace and Reconciliation, provided and propofed between him and your fouls. This in the tìrft place is fpoken out by the Word we have infitled on. Whatever elfe it in- forms us of, this it pottively afí'erts ., namely, that there is away whereby fanners may come to be accepted with God : For there is forgivenefs with him that he may be flared. And we hope that we have not confirmed it by fo manyTeftimonies, by fo many Evidences in vain. Now that you may fee how great a priviledge this is, andhowmuch your concernment lyes in it ; Confider, r. That this belongs untoyou in an efpecial manner, it is your peculiar advantage. It is not fo with the Angels that finned. There were never any terms of Peace or. Reconciliation,. propoled unto them, nor ever (hail be unto Eternity. There is no way of efccape pro- vided for them. Having once finned, as you have done a thoufand times, God fliared them not, but cart them down to Hell, and delivered them unto Cbains ofdarkness, to be referved- unto Judgement, 2 Pet. z. 4. It is not fo with them that are dead in theirfins, ifbut one momentpafi<. Ah howwould many fouls who are departed it may be not an hour face out of this world, rejoycc for an in- terefl in this priviledge, the bearing of Terms of Peace once more between God and them. But their. time is pail, their house, is lea, unto them .defolate. As the tree falleth, fo it. muff