Ver... Exhortations unto Eèlieving. muff !ye : It is appointed unto all men once to dye? and after that is the judgement, Heb 9. 27. ,After death there arc no term: of Peace, nothingbut Judgement. The Living, the living, he alone is capable of this Advantage. It is not fo with them to whom the Gofpel is not preached. God fuffers them to walk in their own wayes, and calls them not thus to repentance. The Term: of Reconciliation which Tomefancy to be offered in the Jhining of the Sun, andfalling of the rain, never brought foals to peace wi th God. Life and Immortality are brought to light only by the Gofpel. This is your priviledge whoyet live, and yet have the Word found- ing in your Ears. It is not thus with them who have finned againft the Holy Ghrff, though yet alive, and living where the word of forgive- nefs is preached. God propofeth unto them no terms of Re- conciliation. Blaffihemyagainjt him, faith Chrifi, :hall not be for- given, Matth.12. 31. There is no forgiveneff for fuch (inners. And we, if we knew them, ought not topray for them, i John 5. 16. Their fin is unto death. And what numbers may be in this Condition God knows, This Word then is untoyou; There terms of peace are pro- pofed unto you. This is that which in an efpecial manner you are to apply your feelves unto. And wo unto you , if you fhould be found to have neglected it at the lati day. Where- fore confider, 2. By whom theft terms are propofed unto you, and by whom they were procured for you. By whom are theypropofed ? Who (hall undertake to umpire the buftnef thecontroverte between God and Sinners ? No creature doubtlefs is either meet or worthy to interpofe in this matter. I mean originally on his own account. For who bath known the mind of the Lord, or who bath been his counfelor ? Wherefore it is God himfélf who propofeth thefe terms; and not only propofeth them ,, but invites, exhorts, and perfwades you to accept of them. This the whole Scriptures tefiifìeunto. It is fully expreffed, 2 Cor. 5.18,19, 20. He hathprovided them, he hath propofed them, and makes ufe onlyof men, of Minijters, to ad in his Name. And excufeus if we are a little earneti with you in this mat- I i 3 ter. 245