2 4 6 Exhortations unto Believing. Pfal. i 3c. k ter. Alas, our utmc(f that we can by zeal for his glory, or compaffirn unto your fouls, raise our thoughts, minds, fpirits, words unto, comes infinitly short of his own preffing earnef .. net? herein. See Ifs. 55. i, 2, 3, 4, Oh infinite condefeention .0 blefhed Grace ! Who is this that thus befpeaks you ? He, again{' whom you have finned, of whom you are juflly afraid. He whof Lazes you have broken, and whole name you have difhonoured ; He who needs not you, nor your Love, nor your Friendfhip, nor your Salvation. It is He who propofeth unto you thefc terms of Reconciliation and Peace. Confider the Exhortation of the Apofile upon this confideration, Heb. z 2. 25. See that you r fufi not him that fpeak th from Heaven. It is God that fpeaks unto you in this matter : And he (peaks untoyou from Heaven. And he doth therein forego all the 4dvantaae that he hath againft you for your defirudion. Wo would be unto your fouls, and that for ever, if you fhould refufe him. 3. By whom were there Terms procured for you > and by what means ? Do not think that this matter was brought about by chance, or by an ordinary undertaking. Remember that the propofal made unto you this day coil no lets than the price of the blood of the Son of God. It is the fruit of the travail of his foul. For this heprayed, he wept, he fuffered, he dyed. And (hall it now be negle&ed or derpifed by you ? Will you yet account the blood of the Covenant to be a com- mon thing ? Will you exclude your felves from all benefit of the purchafi of the( terms, and only leave your fouls to an- fwer for the Contempt of the price whereby they were pur- chafed ? 4. Confider, that yßu are, fnners, great finners, curled finners Some of you it may be, worfe than innumerable of your fel- lowAnal were, who are now in Hell. God might long lince have catit you off everlaftingly from all expeéation of mercy, and have caused all your hopes toperifh. Or he might have left you alive , and yet have refufcd to deal with you any more. He could have caused your Son to go down at noon day, and have given you darkness inflead of vifion. He could refpiteyour lives for a feafon, and yet fwear in