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Ver.4. Exhortations unto Believing. 247 in his wrath, that you thould never enter into his ref. It is now otherwife. How long it may be fo, nor you, nor I know any thing at all. God only knows what will be your time, what your continuance. We are to (peak whilfi'- it is called to day. And this is that for the prefent which I have to or unto you. God declares that there is forgivenefIwith him ; that your con- dition is not dcfperate nor helplets. There are yet 'terms of Peace propofed unto you. Methinks it cannot but teem firange, that poor 'inners thould not at the lea[t fir up them- [elves to enquire after them. When a poor man had fold . himfelf of old, and his Children to b: fervants, and parted with the land of his inheritance unto another becaufe of his poverty ;.. with what heart do you think did he hear the found of the Trumpet, when it began to proclaim theyear of Jubilee, where- in he and all his were to go out at liberty , and to return unto his po[feffion and Inheritance ? And thall not poor fer- vants of fin, Haves unto Satan, that have forfeited all their In- heritance in this world, and that which is to come, attend unto any Proclamation of the year of Ref, of the acceptable year of the Lord ? And this is done in the tender of terms of Peace with God in this matter. Do not put it off; this thing belongs unto you ; The great concernment of your fouls lyes in it. And it is a great matter ; for confider, 5. That when the Angels came to bring the news of the Birth of our Lord Jefus, they fay, we bring tydings of great joy to the whole people, Luke 2. to. What are thelè joyful ty- dings ? What was the matter of this report? Why, this day is born a Saviour, Chrift the Lord, v. z i . It is only this; a Savi- our is born ; a way of escape is provided, and further they do not proceed. Yet this they fay is a matter of great joy , as it was indeed. It is fo to every burdned convincedfirmer, a mat- ter of unfpeakable joy and rejoycing. Oh bleffed words ! a Saviour is born. This gives life to a finner, and opens a door cf hope in the valley ofAchor. The firti rcfcue of a fin di- llreQed foul. Upon the matter, it was all that the Saints for many Ages had to live upon ; and that not in the enjoyment, but only the expet5tation. They lived on that Word, the feed of she. Woman fhall breahthe Serpents head ;. that is, a o