Ver.4. Exhorteitions untoBelieving. befalls many convincedperins, shall be fpoken unto afterwards. At prefent 1 fpeak unto them who never yet attended in fin. cerity unto there terms , nor ferioufly enquired after them. Think youwhat you pleafe of your Condition, and of your felves ; or choofe whether you will think of it or no , pars your time in a full regardlefufl, of your prefent and future Elate. Yet indeed thus it is with you, as to your eternal concerns; you lye under the fintence of a bitter, Jhamefull, and everlafting death; you have done fo in the mida ofall your jollity, ever since you came into this world : And you are in the hand of him, who can in the twinkling of an eye deftroy both body and foul in Hell fire. In this ttate and cöndition, men are lent on purpole, to let you know that there are terms of Peace, there is yet a way of efcape for you : And that you may not avoid the iífue aimed at, they tell you, that God that cannot lye, hath commanded them to tell you fo; ifyou queftion the truth of what they fay, they are ready to produce their warrant under Gods own hand and teal ; here then is no room for tergiverfatiori or excufes. Certainly, if you have any care of your eternal eftate, ifyou have any drop of tender blood running in your veins towards your own fouls, if you have any rational confiderations dwelling in your minds, if all be not defaced and obliterated through the power of luft, and love offin , you cannot but take our felves to be un- fpeakably concerned in this propofal; But now if initead hereof, you give up your felves unto the power of unbtlief, the will of Sathan, the love of your lutts , and this prefent world, fo as to take no notice of this errand or mèfiàge from God, nor once ferioufly to enquire after the nature and im- portance t f the terms propofed, Can you efcape ? thall you be delivered ? will your latter end be peace ? The Lord knows it will be otherwife with you, and that unto Eternity. So the Apoftle affures us: z Cor. g.. 3, 4. If our Gofpel be hid, it is hid to them that are loft , in whom the God of this world hash blinded the minds of them that believe not, left the light of the Glorious Gofpel of Chrift, who is the Image of God, fbould Thine into them. If you receive not this word, if it be bid from you, it is from the power and efficacy of Sathan K k upon 2 9