250 Exhortationsunto Believing. Pfal. i 3 o. upon your minds. And what will be theend ? Perifh you muff, and fbal1, and that for ever. Remember the Parable of our Saviour, Luke 14. 3r, 32. What King, going to make warre, again(! another King, fitted, not down ftrit, and confulteth whether he be able with Ten Thom- find to meet him that cometh againfi himwith Twenty Thoufand ;. or elfe while the other is yet agreat way off, hefendeth an Amba7age and d,fireth conditions of Peace. That which he teacheth in this Parable is, the necefiity that lyes on us, of making peace with God, whom we have provoked, and juftly made to be our Enemy ; as alfo our utter impotency to refift and withftand him, when he than come forth in a way of Judgement and Vengeance againft us. But here lyes a difference in this matter, fach as is allowed in allfimilitudes; Amongft men at variance,. it is not his part who is the Jtronger, and feeure of fuccefs, to fend to the weaker, whom he hath in his Power, to accept of terms of Peace. Here it is otherwife, God who is infinitely powerful!, jufly provoked, and able todeftroy poor finners in a moment ; when now he is not very farce off, but at the very door, fends himfelf an Ambaffage with Conditions of Peace. And thall he be refuted by you ?. will you y,et neglect} his offers ? I-low great.then will be your deftru6tion ? Hear then once more poor fin-hardened fenfff fouls, ye !lout- hearted, that are far from Righteoufnefs. Is it nothing unto you, that the great and holy God whom, ye have provoked all ypur dayes, and whom you yet continue to provoke, who bath not the, leaft need of you or your. falvation , who can when he pleafeth eternally glorifie himfelf in your deftrudi- on, fhouldof his own accord fend unto you, to let you know that he is willing to be at peace with you, on the terms he had prepared ? The Enmity began on your part, the danger is on your part only; and he might juffly expe6} that the meffage for peace fhould begin on your part all(); But he begins with you ; and fhall he be rejef}ed ? The Prophet well expreffeth this, ¡fa. 30. i 5. Thus faith the Lord God, tbe.boly.One of Ifraei, in returning and refl. 'ballye be faved, in quietnef{ and confidence ,hall be your ßrengtb, and you would not. The Love and Con- deÇcention that is in thefe words, on the one band, on the part