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Ver.4. Exhortations unto Believing. 2 5 I -- part of God, and the foly and ingratitude mentioned in them on the other hand is inexpreflible. They are fearfull words; But you would not. Remember this againft another day. As our Saviour faycs in the like manner to the ewes , You will not come unto. me, that ye may have life. Whatever is pretended, it is will andflubbornnßthat lye at the bottom of this rcfufal. Wherefore, that either You may obtain Advantage by it, or that the way of the Lord may be prepared for the Glori- fying of himfcif upon you, I (hill leave this word before all them that hear, or read it, as the 7ejtimony which God re, quires to be given unto his Grace. There are terms of peace w:tb God provided for you and tendred unto you; It is yet called to day, harden not your hearts, like them of old, who could not enter into the Reif of God, by reafon of unbelief, Hcb. 3. 19. Same of .ou, it may be, are old infins, and unac- quainted with God ;` Tome- ofyou, it may be, have been great [inners, fcandalous (inners; and 'fame oçyou, it. may be, have reafon to apprehend your felves veer the grave, and fo alto to hell ; fame of you it may be, have your Confciences dil. quieted and galled; and it may be firm of you are under tome outward Troubles, and Perplexities, that caufe you a little to look about you ; and fome of you it may be are in the madnefs of your natural firength and lulls ; your breaffs are full of milk, andyour bones of marrow, and your hearts of fin, pride and contempt of the wayes of God ; All is one This word is unto you all;- And I {hail only mind you, That it is a fearfull thing to fall into the bands of the living God. You hear the voyce, or read the words of a poor worm, but the Meffage is the Meffage, and the Word is the Word of him who fhaketh Heaven and Earth. Confider then well what you have to do ; and what anfwer you will return unto him who will not be mocked. But you will fay ; Why, what great matter is there that you have in hand ? why is it urged with fo much earnefinef ? We have heard the fame words an hundred times over. The ¡ail Lords day, fuch a one, or fuck a one preached to the famepur- pofe; And what need it be infifled on now again, with fo much importunity ? K 2 But.