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..,,.,.., 2 5 2 Exhortations unto Believing. Pfal. r 30. But is it fo indeed ; that you have thusfrequently been dealt withal/, and do yet continue in an Efate of irreconciliation ; my heart is pained for you, to think of your wofull and almoft remedilefs condition. It he that being often reproved, and yet ffifPnetb his neck, fhall perilh fatddeny, and that without remedy, Prov. 29, z. howmuch more will he do fo, who being often invited unto Peace with God , yet hardeneth hií heart , and re- fufeth to treat with him ? Methinks I hear his voyce con- cerning you ; Thole mine enemier, they (hall not tage ofthe Supper ,that I have prepared. Be it then that the word in hand is a common word unto you, you let no value upon it then take your way and courfe in tin ; /fumble, fall, and perish ; It is not fo flight a matter to poor convinced finners, that tremble at the Word of God. Theft will prize it , and improve it. We (hall follow then that counfil, Prov. air. 6. Give ffrong drink unto him that it ready to perifh, and wine to thole that be ofan heavy heart. We (hall tender this New Wine of the Gofpel to poor fad hearted, confcience diftreffed finners ; .finners that are ready to perifh; to them it will be pleafant, they will drink of it, and forget their poverty, 'and remember their mifery no more. It (hall take away all their forrow and fadnefs ; when you (hall be drunk with the fruit of your luffs, and fpue, and lie down, and not rife again. But now if any of you fhall begin to fay in your hearts, that you would willingly treat with God; oh that the day were come wherein we might approach unto him ! let him (peak what he pleafeth, and propofe what terms he pleafeth, we are ready.to hear. Then confider, Secondly, That the Terms provided for you, and propofed 'unto you, are equal, holy, righteous , yea pleafant , and eafie. This being another General Head ofour work in hand, be- fore I proceed to the further explication and confirmation of it, I (hall, educe one or two Obfirvations fromwhat hath been delivered on the firfi. As, r. See hereon what foundationwe preach theGofpel. Ma- ny difputes there are, whether Chriff died for all individuals of 1 ankinde or no ; if we fay No, but only for the Eleei who arc fame ofi ll forts ; tome then tell us, we cannot invite all men