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Ver.4. Exhortations unto Believing. 253 men promifcuoufly to believe. But why fo ; we invite not men, as all men; no man, as one of all men, but all men as Sinners: And we know that Chriff diedfor Sinners. But is this the HI thing, that we are in the difpenfation of the Gofpel to propofe to the Soul of a firmer , under the Lacy; That Chriff dyed for him in particular. Is that the beginning of our lg_rage unto him ? were not this a ready way to induce him to conclude, Let me then continue in lin that Grace may abound ; No ; but this is in order of Nature our firft work even that which we have had in hand. This is the beginning of the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift. This is the voice of one crying in the IVilderneß, prepare ye the way of the Lord. There is a way of Reconciliation provided. God is in Chrift reconciling the World to himfelf. There is a way of acceptance ; there is Forgivenefs with him to be obtained. At this Threfhold of the Lords houfe, Both the greatefi part of men to whom the Go- Cpel is preached fall and perifh, never looking in to fee the Treajures that are in the houfe it felt; never coming into any fuch hate and condition, wherein they have any ground or bottom to enquire, whether Chriff dyed for them in particular or no. They believe not this report, nor take any ferious no- tice of it. This was the Miniftry of the Baptiff, and they who received it not, rejec`ed the countl of Godconcerning theirfal- vation, Luke 7. to. And fo perifhed in their fins. This is the fumme of the blef ed invitation given by Wifdom, Prov. 9. I, 2, 3, 4, 5. And here men humble, fall , and perilh , NOV. I. 29, 30. 2. You that have found grace and favour to accept of thefe terms, and thereby toobtain peace with God ; Learn to live in an holy Admiration of his condefcenfion and love therein. That he would provide fuch terms ; That he would reveal them unto you ; that he would enable you to receive them. Unfpeakable Love and Grace lyes in it all. Many have not thefe terms revealed unto them ; few find favour to accept of them, andof whom is it that you have obtained this peculiar mercy ? Do youaright confider the nature of this matter ? The Scripture propofeth it as an obje6t of eternal admiration, So K k 3 God