254 Terms of Peace with God, Pfal.a30, God loved the World ; herein id. live, not that we loved God, but he loved us firs}. Live in this Admiration, and do your utmotl in your several capacities to prevail with your Friends, Relations, Acquaintance, to hearken after this great treaty of peace with God, whole terms we (hall ncxtly confider, as before in generall they were expreffed, -reams , 2. The terms provided for you, and proposed unto you, Pcace vvith are equal, holy, rïghteout, yea pleasant and eafie, H. f. 2. i S, 19, God,Equal They are not such, as a curfdguilty finner might juflly cxpr6l, `and Holy. but such as are meet for an infinitely Good and Gracious God to propofe; not fuited to the Wifdom of man, but full of the wifdom of God, 2 Cor. 2. 6, 7. The poor convinced wretch, thinking of dealing with God, Micah 6. 6, 7. rolls in his mind what terms he is like to meet withall ; and fixes on the moll dreadful!, difficult, and impoflible that can be imagined. If faith he any thing be done with this Great and molt high God, it mull be by Rivers, Thoufgnds, and Ten Thousands, Children, firs} born; whatever is dreaifull and terrible to Nature, what- ever is i,,.pogible for me to perform, that is it which he looks for. But the matter is quite otherwise. The terms are wholly of another nature ; it is a way of meer mercy, a way of free forgivenets. The Apoftle lays it down, Rom. 3.23, 24, 25. it is a way of propitiation, of pardon, of forgivenefl in the blood of Chrift ; the Terms are the Acceptance of theforgive - nefl that we have described. Who would not think now that the whole worldwould run in to be made partakers of thefe terms, willingly accepting of them. But it proves for the moll part quite otherwife. Men like not this way of all others. It had been fomething, Pays Naaman, if the Prophet had come and done fo and fo; but this, Go, wash andbe clean, I do not like it, I am but deluded. Men think within them- felves, that had it been fome great thing that was required of them that they might be faved, they would with all (peed addrefs themfelves thereunto ; but to come to Godby Chriot, to be freely forgiven without more adoe, they like it not. Some rigid austere penances, fome compenfatory obedience , fome fatisfa Lry mortification, or Purgatory, had been a more likely way