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2 2 Gods Soveraignty in dealing, &c. Pfa1. i 3 o. good thing, Rom. 7. 8. but the contrary is there; that is the root of all evil. The fhfh lufleth againft the Spirit, as the Spi- rit luftethagairift the fl<.lh. Gal. 5. 17. As then there is an Vni- verfality in the aEtings of the Spirit in its oppofing all evil, io alto there is an Vniverflity in the aóings of the fc172 for the furtherance of it. Secondly, Some Lulls or branches of original corruption, do obtain in force perlons fuch advantages, either from Na- ture, Cullom, Employment, Society, or the like Circumllances, that they become like the Can.aanites that had iron Chariots ; it is a very difficult thing to fùbdue them. Well it is, if War be maintained conftantly againtt them, for they will almoft al- waycs be in aóual Rebellion. Thirdly, Indweling-Sin though weakned, retaineth all its properties ; the properties of a thingfollow its nature. Where thenature of any thing is, there are all its natural properties. what are thefe properties of Indwelling Sin, I fhould here de- clare, but that I have handled the whole paver and efficacy, the nature and properties of it, in a Treatife to that only pur- pole. In brief they are filch, as it is no wonder , that fume Believers are by them call into depths ; but it is indeed, that any do efcape them. But hereof the Reader may fee at large my Difcourfe on this particular fubjeét. Secondly, Add hereunto, thepower and prevalency of tempta- tion; which becaufe all's:), I have already in a f#ecial Difcourf to that purpofe infrfted on , I (hall not here farther lay open. Gods So- Thirdly, The Soveraign pleafureof God in dealing with fin- veraignty ning Saints mull allo be confidered. Divine Love and Wif- in dealing with Be- dom work not towards all in the fame manner. God is lievers in pleafed to continue Peace unto tome with a non-nb(lante, for theirlins. great provocations. Love (hall humble them, and rebukes of kindnefs thallrecover them from theirwandrings. Others he is pleafed to bring into the depths we have been fpeaking of. But yet I may fay generally fignai provocations, meet with one of thefe two events from God. Firtl,Thofe in whom they are,arekft unto forre fgnat bar- remelt,