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s 37o Waitingon God wherein it conj .r. . Pfau. t 3 t And it hath two properties when it is performed in a due man- ner ; namely, patience and perfeverance. By the one men are kept to the length of Gods time ; by the other they are pre. ferved in a due length of their own duty. And this is that whichwas laid down in the ftrfi Prop&ftion drawn from the words ; namely, that continuance in watch- ing, until God aFp:ars unto the foul is neceIary, as that with- out which we cannot attain what we look atter, and prevailinj, as that wherein we (hall never fail. God is not to be limited, nor his times prefcribed unto him. We know our way, and the endofour Journey ; but our Ra- tions ofefpecial reti, we mutt wait for at his mouth, as the people did in the wilderrefs. When David comes todeal with God in his great diftrefs, he layes unto him, 0 Lord, thou art my God, my times are in thine hand, Pfal. 3 t . 54, 15. His times of trouble, andofpeace, of darknefs and oflight, he, acknow- ledged to be in the hand, and at the difpofal of God ; fo that it was his duty to wait his time and feafon for his ¡hare and portion in them. During this fiate the foul meets with many Oppofitions, difficulties and perplexities, efpecially if its darknefs be oflong continuance, as with fome it abides many years, with fome all the daies of their lives. Their hope being hereby deferred, makes theirhearts Fick, and their fpirit oftentimes to faint ; and this fainting is a defect in waiting, for want of perfeverance and continuance which frutlrates the End ofit. Só David, Pfal. 27.,13. 1 bad fainteduniefi I bad believed to fee thegoodnefs of the Lord. Had I not received fupportment by faith, I had fainted. And wherein Both that contift ? what was the faint- ingwhich he had been overtaken withall without the fupport- ment mentioned ? it was a relinquifhment of waiting on God, as he manifefts by the Exhortation which he gives to himfelf and others, v. Iq.. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and be /hallfirengtben thy heart ; wait I fay on the Lord. Wait with courage and rcfolution that thou faint not. And the Apoftle puts the bicffed Event of Faith and Obedience upon the avoid- ance of this evil, Gal. 6. 9. We (hall reap if ivefaint not. Hence we have both encouragements given agaìntl- ir, and promifes that