Ver. 5, 6. Waiting on Godwherein it confer, tnat ill the Èv'4 of God we ihall not be overtaken with it. Confider the LordChrift, faith the Apollle, the Captain of your falvatio,z, let you be wearied and faint inyour minds, Heb. r z. 3. Nothing eïfe can caufe you to come (bort of the mark aimed at. And they, faith the Prophet , who wait on the Lord, that is in the ufe of the means by him appointed, ¡hall not faint, Ifa. 40. t t. This continuance then in waiting is to accompany this duty up:m the account of both the things mentioned in the Propo- fìtion ; that it is indtffrenfibly neeefary on our own account, and it is affredly travailing in the end ; it will not fail. 1. It is nccerary. They that watch for the msrning,to whore frame and adings,the waiting of the foul for God is compared, give not over until the Light doth appear, or if they do, if they are wearied and faint, and TO ceafe watching, all their former pains will be'loft, and they will lye down in difappoint- ments. So will it be with the foul that deferts its watch, and faints in its waiting. Ifupon the eruption of new lulls or cor ruptions ; if upon the return of old temptations, or the Afl ults of new o'ies ; if upon a revived perplexing fenfe ofguilt, or on the teuioufnefs of working and labouring fo much and fo long in the dark, the foul begins to fay in it fell, I have looked for light, and behold dar}Lnejs; for peace, and yet trouble com- eth; the Summer is palt, the Harvel} is ended, and I am not relieved ; fuch and fuch blefíed means have been enjoyed, and yet ¡have not attained refi, and fo gives over its waiting in the way and courfe before prefcribed, it will at length utterly fail and come fhort of theGrace aimed at. Thou haft laboured, and haft not fainted, brings in the reward, Rev. 2. 3. 1. Perfeverance in waiting is affuredly prevalent ; and this renders it a neccffary part of the duty it fell. If we continue to wait for the vitcn of peace, it will come, it will not tarry but anfwer our expeF,}ation of it. Never foul mifcarried that abode in this duty unto the end. The Joyer of Heaven may fometimes prevent confolations in this life; God fometimes .gives in the full Harvcft without fendingof the firfi fruits afore- hand ; But Spiritual or Eternalpeace and Reti is the infallible End of permanent waiting for God. B b b This 37t