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3 72 Waiting onGod wherein it confi.r. Pfal.t 3 0, This is the Duty that the Pfalmi/t declares himfelf to be in- gaged in, upon the incouraging difcovery which was made un- to him of forgrvenfß in God. There is forgivenef{ with tbee that thou rnaiit be feared ; f wait for the Lord, my foul doth wait, and in biß word do I hope : And th.s is that which in the like conch- con is required of us. This is,the great direr$ion which was given us in the Example and practice of the Pfalmift, -as to our Duty and deportment in the condition dcfcribed. This was the Way whereby he rofe out of his depths and efcapd out of his entanglements ? Is this then the Rate of any of us; let Bach take drrcEtsons from hence. I. Encourage your ruls unto waiting on God. Do new fears arife, doold difconfolations continue, lay unto your fouls, yet wait on God ; why are you calf down 0 our fouls, and why are you difquieted within us, rope in God; for we fhall yet praife him, who is the health of our countenance, and our God, as the Pfalmift doth in the like cafe, Pfal. d.3. 5. fo he (peaks elfè- where, wait on God ; and be of good courage, fluke of fixh, route up your 'Gives from under d.fponduncies, let not fears prevail. This is the only way for fuccefs, and it will afi'uredly be prevalent; Oppofe this REfolution to every difcourag, ment, and it will give new life to faith and hope; fay, my fl fh fail- etb, and my heart faileth, but God is the r ick of my heart, and eny portion for ev:r ; as Pfal. 73. 26. Though thy perplexed thoughts have even wearied and worn out the outward man, as in many they do, fo that flefh failetb; and though thou hail no refrefhing evidence fromwithin, from thy fclf, or thy own Experience, fo that thy heart faileth ; yèt rcfolve to look unto God ; there is firength in him, and fattsfaEtion in him, for the whole man; he is a Rock, and aportion; this will ftrengthen things whichotherwife will be ready to dye. This will keep life in thy courfe, and (fir thee up to plead it with God in an acceptable íeafon when he will be found.3obcarryedup his con- dition unto a fuppofition chat God might flay him ; that is add one ft.roke, one rebuke unto another untill he was confumed; and fo take him out of the world in darknefs and in furrow. Yet he refolvcd to truft, to hope, to wait on him, as knowing that he fhould.pot utterly mifcarry fo doing ; this frame the Church