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Ver.5, 6. waiting on Go.d wherein it confifis. 37 3 Church expreffeth fo admirably that nothing can be added thereunto, Lament. 3. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, z3, 24., 25, 26. Thou haft removed my ful far off from peace, I forgo profperity, and n-y hope i1 perifhed from the Lord ; remem rifg mine 4f- pion and fry nttfery, my Wormwood and my Gall ; My foul bath :hem Pill in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to, my' mind therefore have I hope. It is of the Lards mercy that we are net confumed, beat.fr his compa f ons fail not. 7 hey art nett/ every Morning, great is thy faithfulneß. I he Lord is my portion, faith rn) foul, therffore will I Idle in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the foul that feeketh him. it is good that a nian fhould both hope and quietly wait for the falvation of God. We have hereboth the Condition, and the Duty infified on, with the tnethnd of the fouls adings in re- ference unto the one and the other fully expreffd. The Con- dition is fad and bitter, the foul is.in depths far from peace and refs, v. 14. in this tiate it is ready utterly to faint and to give all for loft and gone, b-,th tirength for the prefent, and hopes for the future, v. 18. Th's makes ics condition full of furrow and birternefs, and its own thoughts become unto it like WormwoodandGal, v. 19, 20. But Both he lye -down under the burden of all this trouble ? cloth he defpond, and give over ? no filth he, I call to mind, that there is forgivenefi with God; Grace, M,rcy,Goodnefs,for the relief ofditireffed fouls ; finch as are in my condition, v. 21, 22, 23. Thence the conclu- tion is, that as all help is to be looked for, all reliefexpe tcd fromhim alone ; fo it is good that a man (hould quietly wait, and hope for thefalvation of God. This he flirs up himfelf unto, as the beft, as the moll bleffed courfe'for his deliverance. 2. Remember, that diligent rife of the means for the end aimed at,is a neceffary concomitant of,and ingredient unto waitingon God. Take in the conticierationof this diretion alto. Do not think to be freed from your entanglements, by refilefs, heart- }rfs defiring that it were otherwife with you : Means are to be tired that relief may be obtained. What thofe means are, is known unto all. Mortification of fin, prayer, meditation; due attendance upon all Gofpel- Ordinances ; conferring in General about fpiritual things, adviJing in particular about our B b b 2 own