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7 4 God hairnfilfthe Objet of our Waiting. Pfal. z 30. own mate and condition, with fuch who having received the tongue of the learned are able to fpeak a word in fcafon, to th'.m that are weary, are required to this purpofc. And in all there are diligence and perfeverance to be cxercifcd; or in vain shall men delire a delivery from their entanglements. God the proper Objeci of the fouls waiting in its diftreffes and depths.. Goa him_ We have Peen what theduty is intended in the propo- télf the. fition ; we are nextly to confider the Reafon allo of it, why Obje6 of this is the great, &Li, and principal duty of fouls ; who in their ®ur Wait- depths have it difcove.red unto thorn that there is forgivenefs DV, with God ; And the reafon hereof is ; that which is cxpref- fed in our fecond Obfervation before mentioned, namely. That the proper object of a fin dilireffed f uls waiting and ex- pëRation, is God himfelf ar revealed in Chrift. I have faith the Pfalmift waited for f ehovah ; It is not this or that mercy, or Grace, this or that help or relief ; but it is Jehovah himfelf that I wait for. Here then wemuli do two things, ärí1, thew in what fence, God himfelf is the oij.a of the waiting of the f:,ul. (2.) How it appears from hence that waiting is fo neceffary a Duty. r. It is the Lord hirrrfelf, Jehovah himfelf; that the foul waiteth for. It is not Grace, mercy, or relief abiolutely con - fidered, but the God cf all Grace and help, that is the full adxquate*object of the fouls waiting and Expectation ; only herein he is not confidered abfolutely in his own Nature ; but as there is forgiveneßwith him, What is required hereunto, hath been at large before declared.lt is as he revealed in and by je- fus Chrifi; as in him he hath found a Ranfome,and accepted the Attonemcnt for linners in his blood ; as he is a God in Cove- nant ; fo he is himfelf the Object of our waiting. And that, 1Eir tt Btcaufe all troubles, depths, entanglements, arife from, (t.) The fibfence of God horn the foul ; and (2.) From his difple:;Pure. The Abfence of God from the foul, by his departure, with- drawing, or hiding himfelf from it, is that which principally calts