376 Waiting on God whence fo necef1àry. Confiderá- tions of Gods Be- ing and At- tributes rendring Waiting neccáîary. Waitingon Godwhence f net effäry. Pfa. 1 3 o, Secondly, This duty in the occafion mentioned N n'ctfary upon the account ofthe Greatnefr and foveraignty of him with whomwe have to do. My foul waiteth for Jehovah. Indeed waiting is a duty thattlepends on the dijtance that is between the perlons concerned in it, namely, he that waiteth, and he that is waited on ; fo the Ptàlmitt informs us, Pp/. 113. 2. It is an acion like that of Servants and Handmaids towards their Mailers or Rulers. And the greater this dift_mce is, the more cogent arc the reafons of this duty on all occafions. And be- caufe we arepractically averle from the due performance of this duty, or at Ieatl quickly growweary of it notwithilandingour full convic ion of its neceffity, I (hall a little infìit on fome filch confiderations of God and our (elves, as may not only evince the neceiliry of this duty, but alto fatistie us of its realonable- nefs ; that by the fir(( we may be engaged into it, and by the latter preferved in it. Two things we may to this purpofe confider in God, in Je- hovah whom we are to wait for. Fir((, His Being, and the abfolute and e(fcntial properties of his nature. Secondly, Thofe Attributes of his nature which relped his dealing with lxs; both which areGaited to beget in us atleFions, and a frame offpirit compliant with the duty propolcd. Confiderations ofGod rendritg our Waiting on bum Reafonable. and Necefrry. Hisglori its Being. i. Let us confider the infinite glorious Being of Jehovah, with his abfolute incommunicable eficnrial Excellencies ; and then try whether it doth not become us in every condition to wait for him, and efpfcially in that under con fideration,This courfe God himfelf took with Job to recover him from his difcontents, and complaints, to reduce him to quietnefs and waiting. He fets before him his own Glorious Greatnefs, as manifcftcd in the works ofhis power, that thereby being convinced of his own ignorance,weakncfs and infinite difiance in all things from him, he might humble his foul into the moil fubmïffiiíe dependance on him, and waiting for him. And this he doth accordingly, . chap.