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Ver. 5,6. Confideratron.r ofGod.r Being, &c. 377 chap. 42. 6.1 abhor, faith he, my [elf, and repent in dqi. and aJZ¢s. His foul now comes to be willing to be at Gods difp.;fal, and therein he found prefent rett, anda fpeedy healing of his con- . dition. It is the high and lofty one that inhábitetb Fr rnity, whofe name is hey, Ità. 57.15. with whom we have n°iw to do : He thatfitter/3 upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabi- tants of it are as Grafhoppers before bim ; yea, the Nati?nc etre as the drop of the bucket, and are counted as the fmaii dull or the, b:1- lance ; he takes up the Ifles as a very little thing; all Nations be- fore him are as nothing, they are counted unto him lefs than no- thing and vanity, Ifa. 40. 15, 17, 22. To what end Both the Lord fet forth and declare his glorious Greatnrts and Power ? It is that all might be brought to trutt in him, and to wait for him, as at large is declared in the clofe of the chapter. For (hall Grathoppers, adrop of the bucket, duff of the ballance, things lefs than nothing, repine againtt, or wax weary of the Will of the immenfe, .glorious and lofty, One ? He that taketh up all Ifles as a very little thing, may furely, if he pleafe, defiroy, call and forfake one Ifle, one City in an file, one Perfon irr a City; and we are before him but tingle perfons. Serious thoughts ofthis Infinite All-Glorious Being, will either quiet our fouls, or overwhelm them. All our wearinefs of his difpenfations to- wards us, arifes from fecret imaginations, that he isfach a one ac our feint's ; one that is to do nothing but what feems good in our eyes. But ifwe cannot comprehend his Being, we cannot make Rules to judge of his waies and proceedings. And how fmall a portion is it that we know of God ? The nearetf approaches of our reafons and imaginations, leavelys ftill at an infinite di- ffance from him. And indeed what we fpeak of his Greatneff, we know not well what it fignities, we only declare our refpe6t unto that which we believe, admire and adore, but are not able to comprehend. All our thoughts come as thon ofhis Ex- cellent Çreatnefs, as our natures do of his; that is infinitely. Behold the Univerfe,the glorious Fabrick of Heavenand Earth; how little is it that we know of its beauty, order and difpofal; yet was it all the produt of the Word ofhis mouth ; andwith the fame facility can he when he pleafeth reduce it to its primi- tive nothing. And what are we poor worms of the Earth, an incon-