37 8 Confiderations of Cods Being and .Attributes, pfal, i 3c- incontïderable unknown part of the fewer feries and order of the works of his hands; few in number, fading in condition, unregardcd unto the retïdue of our fellow-creatures, that we fhould fubduet our felves from under any kind of his dealings with us, or be weary of waiting for his pleafure. This he pref- feth on us, Pfal. 46. io. BeHill and know that i an God. Let there be no more repinings, no more difputings, continue waiting in filence and patience ; confider who I am ; Be (fill, and know that I an God. Further, to helpus in this Confideration, let us a little alto fix our minds towards fomeof the Glorious, Efential, Incommu- nicable properties ofhis Nature, diflindly; As, 1. His Eternity. This Mofes propofeth to bring the fouls of Believers to fubmiffiion, trutt and waiting, Ffal. 90. 1. From Everla(ting to Everlafting thou art God. One that hash his Being and fubfittence not in a duration of time, but in Eternity it felt: Sodoth Habakkuk.alfo, chap. r. 12. My Lord, my God, my Holy One, art thou not from Everlafting : And hence he draws 'his concluton againfl makinghaft in any condition, and for tarrying and waiting for God. The. like Contdcrat ion is managed by David alfo, 'pfal. 102. 27. How unconceivable is this Orions divine Property unto the thoughts and minds of men ? How weak are the wales and terms whereby they go about to exprefs it ? One fayes it is a nuncflans ; another that it is a perpetual Duration. He that fayes molt, only lìgnities what he knows of what it is not We are ofYetlerday, change every moment, and are leaving our ltation to morrow. Göd is ffzll the fame, was fff' before the world was; from Eternity. Andnow I cannot think what 'have faid, but only have inti- mated what I adore. The whole Duration of the world from the beginning unto the end, takes up no fpace in this Eterni- ty of God. Fo^w how long foever 'it hath continued, or may yet continue, it will all amount but to fo many thoufar.d years, fo long a time ; and time bath no place inEternity. And for us whohave in this matter to do with God, what is our con- tinuance Unto that ofthe world? 'a moment as it were in corn- parifon ofthe whole. When mens lives were ofold prolonged beyond thedate & continuance ofEmpires or Kingdoms now,yet this