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Ver. 5, 6. rendring Waiting neceffary. 379 this was the windingup of all ; fuch a one lived fo many years, and then be dyed, Gen. 5. And what are we poor worms,whofe lives are meafured by inches in comparifon of their ¡Pan ? what are we before the Eternal God ? God alwaics immutably fulfil1- ¡mg in hie own Infinite Being ? A real Conlideration hereof will. fubdue the foul into a condition of dependence on him, and of waitingfox him. 2. The Immenfity of his EjÇence, and his Omniprefence is of the fame contideration. Do not 1fill Heaveand Earth, faìch the Lord, Ter. 23. 24.. The Heavens, even the Heavens of Heavens, the fupreme and moll comprehenfive created Bing cannot con- tain him, faithSolomon. In his infinitely Glorious Being he is prefent with, and indiffant from all places, things, times, ali the works of his hands, and is no lets glorioutly fubtìfiing where they are not. God is where Heaven and Earth are not, no lets than where they are ; and where they arenot is him- felf; where there is no place, no (pace, real or imaginary, God is ; for placeand imagination have nothing to do with Irnmen- jty ; and he is prefent every where in the Creation, where I amwriting,where you are reading ; he is prefent with you, in diflant from you. The thoughts of mens hearts for the moil part are, that God as tohis Efence is in Heaven only ; and it is well if Come think he is there, feting they live and aft as if there were neither God nor Devil but themfelvcs. But on theft apprehenfions fuch thoughts arc ready fecretly to arifc, and effectually toprevail, as are expreffed, lob 22.13, 14. Hots dotb God know ? Can be judge through the dark.; thick clouds are as a covering unto bim that he feetb not; and he walketb ín the circuit of the Heavens. Apprehenfions of Gods diftance frommen, harden them in their waits. But it is utterly other wife ; God is every where, and a man may on all occafions fay with Jacob, God is in tbie place, and I knew it not. Let the foul then who is thus called to wait onGod, exercife it fell with thoughts about this Immenftty ofbit Nature and Being. Com- prehend it, fully underftand it, we can never : But the con- fideration of it will give that awe ofhie Greatnefs upon our hearts, as that we ¡hall learn to tremble before him, and to be willingto wait for him in all things. C c c 3. Thoughts