80 Con(derations ofGods Beingand Attributes Pfal. i 30 3. T houghts of t he Holinefs of God, or infinite Pelf-purity t f this Eternal 1mmenfe Being, are fingularly ufèfull to the fame purpofe. This is that which Eliphaz affirms that he received by vitiun, to reply to the complaint and impatience of /61), cbap. 14. I 13,1 41 1 5,16 , t 7, i 8, 19. After he hath declared his vitidn, with the manner ofir,this he affirms to be the Reve- lation that by, voice was made unto him : Shall mortal man be morejujf than God? fhall a man be more pure than hit Maker ? Behold be puts no truf 'in hit .Servants, and hit Angels he chargetb with fay, Howmuch lefs on them that dweQ in leoufes of Clay, whofe foundation is in the duff, who are crufied before the moth ? If the Saints and Angels in Heaven do not anfwer this infinite Holinefs of God in their moti perfcdf condition, is it meet for Worms of the Earth to fuppofe that any thing whichproceeds from him is not abfolutely Holy and perfe , and fo bet} for them ? This is the fiery property of the nature of God, whence he is called a Confuming fire, and Everlalfing burnings : And the Law whereon he had imprcf ed fume reprefentation of it, is called a fiery Law, as that which will confume and burn up whatever is perverte and evil. Hence the Prophet who had a reprefentation of the Glory of God in a vition, and heard the Se- raphims proclaiming his Holinefs, dyed out, Woe it me, for 1 am undone, becaufeI am a man of unclean lips,!fa.6.5 . He thought it impoffible that he fhould bear that near approach ofthe Holi- nefs of God. And with the remembrance hereof doth Jofhuah tl`ill the people with the terrour of the Lord, chap. 14. 19. Let fuch fouls then as are under troubles and perplexities on any account, endeavour to exercifc their thoughts about this infi- nite Purity and fiery Holinefs of God. They will quickly find it their wifdom to become as weaned children before him, and content themfelves with what he (hall guide unto them, which is to wait for,him.This fiery .Holinefs,ftreams from his Throne, Dan. 7: to. and would quickly confume the whole Crearion,as mow under the curfc, and fin, were it rot for the interpotìng of Jefus Chíitf. 4. His Gloriouo Majeßy as the Ruler ofall the world. Majcity. relates unto Government, and it calls us to fuch an awe of him as Both render our waiting for him comely and necc fary.. Gods